Chap. 8

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(Cameron's P.O.V)

"Shawn no u don't understand"I said almost yelling

"I don't get it if u like Catherine as much as u say you do than why do you hurt her so much?" Shawn said I shrugged shaking my head

"I never mean to do any of the irrelevant things I did yo her I didn't do much with Deborah all we did was dance and mabey kissed once"I said Shawn's eyes popped out a but leaning toward me

"You kissed her?!"He asked me semi yelling I covered his mouth

"Ok made out but it was a big mistake we were both semi drunk that's wat we did when we went into the cabin we drank and I barely remember it"I mumbled he shrugged

"Help me get her back please"I mumbled he shrugged

"I don't know I don't even talk to her that much I mean we are talking more and more but Nash also wanted me to help him out"he said

"He did not"I mumbled he nodded

"That asshole he doesn't even like her he hasn't even kissed her or touched her the way I have she's red than him it's basically illegal" I said about to walk out the room when Shawn grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"Let me go Shawn"I said pulling myself towards the door while Shawn pulled foward making it harder for me to get to the door

"For what so you could go fight with Nash again and have Catherine hate the both of you?"He asked me I stopped pulling and towards the door he let me go and sat down panting

"I'm sorry I just want to talk to him even if he hits me I won't hit back " I mumbled Shawn let me go

"Ok but u have to make a singing vine with me"he said I nodded regretting it but still focused on Nash and finding him I walked out of our room and went to Nash's he sleeps in another room w/ Matt now since he is basically alone I walked up to it and knocked on the door it was opened a minute after I knocked by Nash

"What's up with you and Catt?"I asked him he shrugged

"Why do you care?" He asked me I balled my hands into fist

"Because she's mine I don't want you near her she doesn't even like you and the fact that you keep on chasing a lost puppy it pathetic ur pathetic u know it's true just stop being so thirsty you Nash Grier you could have anyone you want you know it I can too but I don't want any other girl she's the only person I want ever since that day I met her at the pool and when I came back from that day I told u I told u everything and ur gonna be an asshole and turn ur back on me we are best friends you don't fight with your best friend over a girl especially one I had first"I said he shook his head

"Cameron im sorry but I'm not giving her up that easily I'm not she's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time do u know the hate and pressure I'm getting right now being the king in vine she makes me forget about all that u DO NOT understand that and if you were my bestfirend you would understand u had her already you always get the girls y can't I get her?" He asked me I looked up I need you Jesus right now really help me

"Ok how about you get her for a certain time and then I will... Never.."I said but he then interrupted me

"No no that's a perfect plan continue "He mumbled I shrugged

"I was gonna say u have her for a while and I can't kiss her or act like she's mine like I usually do and then I have her because you were talking about Bethany anyways" I said he nodded

"Ok I want 6 months with her and she can't know about it"he said I nodded

"Ok but give me a week with her that's it"I mumbled he nodded and I walked away

"So we are cool now?" He asked me I nodded

(I was looking for that red part idk what I meant by that but I can't find it so u add watever you want)

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