Chapter 11: Flames

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The building is a square block of polished white. Situated on a bustling city street, it stands out against the tall glass buildings that glow blue, reflecting the clear sky above.

"Where Dreams Come True" reads the sign in block lettering above the door. I step into the immaculately clean lobby, containing only a shiny black desk with two long hallways on either side.

The woman at the desk looks up, adjusting her maroon lenses. She stands and her heels grate against the reflective surface of the porcelain floor. "Welcome, child. I hope that you will feel at home here."

Flames begin to lick at the sides of the desk, swallowing it as they climb viciously up the woman's arms.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

I use my hand like a visor, blocking the glare of the sun, but it does nothing to improve the view. Brown desert stretches as far as I can see, with no relief from the unwavering heat. I crouch and rub the hard earth beneath my fingers, fanning myself with the other hand to slow the release of sweat trickling down my face.

Water. I need water.

The smell of chlorine reaches my nostrils. The ground shakes and I spin my arms to keep my balance as white tiles multiply around a hole that fills with bubbling hot water. Glass walls close in around the newly formed deck and I sink gratefully to my knees, breathing in the welcome scent of a swimming pool.

He's sitting with his feet in the hot tub, leaning forward, his back muscles tight. I raise my voice so he'll hear me over the splashing from the swimming pool floating above us.



I whirl around. I'm standing on a sidewalk as cars whiz by, but the white building is nowhere in sight. He's wearing a burgundy shirt that brings out his hair.

"Want to get some ice cream?"

I rub my eyes to clear the image of the fire. "Ice cream is my favourite."

"I know." He smiles and suddenly I feel totally fine.

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