||Brian Jones||

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 (Who cares about Mick when you have Brian doing whatever the heck he's doing in the background)

What the Heck Is Going On?

[An Au that has to do with a very weird dream. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore]

It was a dream like no other, you were somewhere with a bunch of other fangirls. Screaming and screaming about something. Your ears hurt from all of the noise and you wondered what all of the fuss was about, and yet you screamed too. 

"Yeah, yeah! Woo woo!" You cheered right along. Everyone in the crowd was watching a hotel and it's doors, waiting for someone or someones to come out. 

Suddenly the noise got to a super loud, deafening level. You raised your voice too, and was still confused. The doors to the hotel soon swung open, a flurry of news reporters ran up to the doors, snapping pictures and asking tons of questions. It took you a while to see who it was, but the news reporters soon cleared up, revealing all of the original five members of The Rolling Stones. 

They all were smiling weirdly one second, and the next they were whispering to each other in hushed voices. They were walking down the sidewalk towards their limo, but it was difficult for them to because of all of the fans that were crowding around them. 

Realizing that you would never even get close to them, you sighed sadly and walked away into a nearby alleyway. The alleyway had clothes hanging out of every window, and random propaganda posters hanging on the brick walls. There was also a lot of stage lights randomly perched on top of the brick walls and on buildings. It was strange, really, but then again it was a dream. 

As you were wandering through the very long alleyway, you thought that it would never end. You started to feel very confused and lost, and wondered where the heck you were. 

"Are you lost?" A quiet voice sounded from behind you. You turned around to see a long blond haired, blue eyed man wearing the utmost fashionable clothes. You immediately recognized who he was. 

"No freakin' way," You gasped and stared wide eyed at Brian. "You're-"

"Yes love, I am Brian Jones," Brian pulled off a quick smirk before walking over to you. 

"No way- But how?" You still couldn't believe that he was there. In front of you. But how the heck did he get there?

"I don't know," Brian furrowed his eyebrows as if he was thinking about how he got there too. "Anyway, would you... like to play a game?" Brian smiled, but it seemed slightly forced. He didn't seem to sure of himself. Something was up. 

"Uh, sure. Why the heck not," You shrugged.

"Great! Actually it's not much of a game but-" Brian stopped himself. "Never mind. Just close your eyes."

"Alright?" You closed your eyes, and for some reason a blindfold was put around your eyes. You then felt warm lips pressed against yours. Brian was kissing you, and the strange thing is, is that he just met you. Or did he? 

You didn't pull away and waited for Brian himself to stop. You had to admit, Brian was good at kissing, but you were a virgin when it came to kissing. You never kissed anyone before, but hey, at least a handsome rockstar was your first kiss. What a story to tell!

After a few seconds longer, Brian pulled away. You took the blindfold off and stared at him. "What the heck just happened, how did you know my name-" You were cut off by Brian.

"This is a dream, anything can happen, as long as the author writes it in."

"What the heck do you mean by that!?"

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