||The Rolling Stones||

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"Why do I sound like Mick Jagger?"

[In which The Stones switch their musical abilities around on accident]

 You were (Y/n), and you worked for The Rolling Stones not as a Roadie, but as someone who gave them 'good advice.' No, you felt like you were always trying to give them good advice, because they always needed it. You actually were more of a stage hand than anything. You directed everything that happened and made sure The Stones were on schedule. You were kinda a co manager or something of the sort. 

You loved your job and your life (Even though The Stones could make it difficult), and you liked being normal. Or as normal as you could. You were hiding a secret, however, and it was a big one. One that could've ruined your social life forever. 

You were magical and came from a long line of magic users. Therefore you had magic too. You weren't good at it, and you were very rusty at it, but you could still use it. Your sister, Natalie, had magic too and unlike you, she was really good with it. However she was awefully flirty around the guys, and you made the horrible decision of bringing her along with you on The Rolling Stones's next performance backstage. 

Something was bound to go wrong. 

"Gosh, (Y/n)! Thank you oh so much for inviting me backstage! How could I ever repay you," Natalie was sitting on a nearby table with her feet dangling down. Her voice sounded high pitched and sounded extra dramatic. 

"You could keep quiet and get out of mine, and the Stone's way. I just brought you backstage so you could stop begging me to bring you backstage!" You grumbled and held onto your clipboard which contained a paper that had the schedule and all sorts of other useful information on it. 

"I was checking out those lads earlier, and man are they cute!" Natalie giggled and closed her eyes while doing so, showing off her eyeshadow or whatever the crap that makeup stuff was. 

You shrugged and continued to work on your clipboard. "Yeah, they are."

Natalie wasn't satisfied with this answer, so she got off of her perch on the table and walked over towards you. "So..." She started. "Do YOU have a crush on one of them?" 

"What?" You were taken aback. "What do you mean? Of course not! I have to keep watch over them. That's basically my job, it would be weird for me to like them-"

"You're lying! I know it! I mean, you gotta have a crush on one of them!" Natalie pestered you, and was enjoying seeing the flustered look on your face. 

Out of you and your sister, Natalie was the outgoing, rebellious, flirty, and immature sister while you were the down to Earth, serious, and hard working sister. You had to admit that you did have a slight crush on at least each of The Stones at one point in time, but you didn't want your feelings to get in the way of your work life. So you simply didn't let them get in the way. Besides, none of The Stones tried flirting with you, or looked at you in that type of way. Plus you weren't the pretty sister, Natalie was. 

"No, I don't. I don't like silly little crushes getting in the way of my worklife," You stated.

A gigantic evil grin spread across Natalie's face. She was clearly thinking about something. Something that had to do with magic. "But what if they all had a crush on you?"

"That would be scary, and it would be highly unlikely- Natalie?" While you were talking, Natalie ran off with a smirk on her face and a spell in her mind. You knew where she was going off to. "Wait! Natalie!" You ran in the direction that you think she might've went, and there she was, sitting on a nearby table with all of The Stones around her. She was flirting with them and trying to sweep them off of their feet, which wasn't that hard for her to do. When Natalie snapped her fingers, all of The Stones paused. Natalie had cast a temporary suspended animation spell on them.

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