||Mick Jagger, Part Two||

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[The second part of the first part]

It had been about a week since you met Fish Boi. And since then, every single day you paid him a visit. In fact, you spent most of your time on the island with him when you weren't forced to go and explore with your parents. Whenever you went to visit Mick, he was always there, with his fishy little head poking out of the water, ready to greet you. For hours, the two of you would talk about life and random stuff, swim around, play games, and sometimes pull pranks on the hapless townsfolk. It was all great fun, and you never wanted it to end. Mick didn't want it to end either. But unfortunately, it had to. 

On the night before the last day, both you and Mick hatched a plan to escape, so that you two could remain together forever... Well, at least until you died. Some would say that you and Mick were attached to each other, and were the best of friends despite only meeting about a month ago. It seemed crazy, and sudden, but honestly, you wanted to run off somewhere on this island with Mick and stay there. You didn't want to go back to your old, boring life. You wanted to stay. And your parents would most definetly not let you do that. 

The last day of the trip was very warm, and very bright. Not to mention it wasn't foggy for once. As you looked over at your slumbering parents, you slowly, carefully, and noiselessly pulled your blankets off of you, and slipped to the floor. 

You tip toed over towards your backpack, which was filled with your most prized possessions, along with some money and food and other stuff. You slid your backpack on, and tied your shoes. You slunk over to the door of the room and slowly twisted the knob to open it. Then, you slunk out.

From there, you speedwalked through the halls and down the stairs. Disgruntled passerbys glared at you with tired eyes as you sped past them. You rushed down through an alternate exit door, and to the outside world. 

The town was pretty much dead. No normal person was awake at this hour. However, there were a few fishermen out and about, but they were too busy to notice you. You walked along the outskirts of the small town, and over towards the woods and that old dirt path. You full on ran down the dirt path, adrenaline running through your veins, making you run faster, and more excited. You almost wiped out over a few loose rocks and tree roots, but dodged them just narrowly. 

The sea then came into view, the rising sun casting golden rays upon the blue water. The water wasn't murky and grey this time. Small waves crashed onto the rocky shore, making a strange sounding echo. You set down your heavy backpack on a nearby stone and called out Mick's name. 

Nothing. He didn't respond. 

"MICK!?" You yelled, louder this time.

Still nothing. Maybe he was coming, or couldn't hear you. 

"HEY, MICK! I'M HERE AND AM READY TO LEAVE!" You screamed out desperately, and continued to until your throat started to sting. 


And then, a familiar head poked out of the water, looking at you in fear. 

"Mick? What's wrong-"

"Not much time left!" Mick said quickly, sounding as if he was out of breath. "Follow me!" 

Mick then started to swim, propelling himself through the water, as if he was a dart sailing through the air. You attempted to follow him by running besides him on land. Even then, he was still faster than you. 

"Slow down!" You called after him, trying to catch your breath. It looked like you were pretty out of shape. But thankfully Mick soon stopped at a cave that was half underwater. It was on the smaller size, and looked kind of cool actually. 

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