||Mick Jagger, Part One||

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'Fish Boi' 

[Spoiler! Mick is the fish boi. Wot a surprise.]

A thick mist was set above the sea. The water was grey, the sky was grey, the boat was grey. Everything was grey. There was no color besides two excited tourists wearing gigantic yellow raincoats, hoping for a wave to crash down onto the the boat.

You sat on a seat with the fabric torn up from old age. You peered down into the grey water, hoping to see some sort of fish or shark to make this boatride interesting. A bit of water was sprayed into your face as the result of the boat rocking up and down as it sailed across the murky water.

Grey seagulls soared above the boat, trying to see if anyone dropped any bread crumbs for them, annoyingly cawing and crapping all over the deck when they found out there was none of them. Luckily you didn't get hit, and instead gazed back into the water.

Instead of the ocean being cloudly, it was getting clearer and bluer. You could see the rocks and the seaweed from the bottom, meaning you were closer to shore and almost ready to get off of this disgusting boat who dared call itself a ferry.

"We will dock at around five minutes. Please sit in your seats, in case if it gets a little rocky." The old and shady captain spoke through the intercome, her gruff and loud voice making everyone cringe and sit down.

At least you were almost to the island. That weird island no one has ever heard of before and yet your parents had just managed to find it and decided a vacation to the middle of nowhere would be nice. This actually was starting to sound a lot like that one book... Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children? If it was, that would make the boring trip worthwhile. Maybe you were secretly a peculiar who could fly or do something cool. That'd keep you entertained and your parents freaked.

The boat suddenly slammed up against an old, sturdy dock, causing you to fall out of your chair and onto the wet, carpeted floor of the deck. "Now I'm all wet." You said monotonously as you stood back up and sat in your chair. You watched as one of the crew members go over and tie the boat down before opening the door.

Everyone was climbing over each other to get out of that forsaken boat. Everyone hated it in there. Eventually you got out and walked over to your parents who were waiting for their baggage to be unloaded.

"(Y/n)? Something tells me this will take a while," Your 'mom' said to you. "Why don't you go check out the town out while we wait here?"

"Wait... What? You're just gonna let me wander throughout town? An unknown town in which you've never been to?" You were confused, and surprised that your parents would let you do this. "I mean, I can be raped, and murdered, and shot at!"

"This town is safe. The locals are all kind hearted and helpful! You'll be fine. Just go over to the hotel when it gets dark out, ok?" Your mom replied, sounding totally alright with her child randomly wandering the streets of a town on an island in the middle of nowhere. No big deal. 

"Alright. I'm cool with that." You shrugged and walked away and started on the cobblestone path into town. What was this town, 200 years old or just rich? Once you got into the main part of town, all you saw was a motel, a dollar store, a Mc Donald's,  bike repair and rental stations, a market, a school house, a town hall, a small hospital, and a few buildings. In the middle of it all, down the road and past large, thick black gates, was a fish factory. 

It was gated, and the building itself was massive and grey and bland. Smokestacks sat on top of it, spewing smoke out into the darkened sky. A metal statue of a fish was ontop of the gates.

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