i won't be eaten...!?

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Ever since the moment I had been made, my only, strongest desire was to be eaten. I knew, like some sort of instinct, that it was the sole purpose that I was alive. Rotting away without fulfilling it would be shameful and an agonising nightmare.

That's why, it is safe to say that I am currently living my worst nightmare. Never in my 2 hours of life, would I have thought I would experience such a thing.

It all started about an hour and a half after I was brought into creation. I probably looked delicious enough to drool for, I could tell. My creator, a plump, sweet looking woman looked at me in delight. Wonderful person she is, for creating such a fine pudding like me.

"I hope Ren loves this," she smiled to herself, beaming brightly. She carried me up wooden stairs towards a room with a wooden door which had "Ren" written in Katakana. I don't know how I can tell which is which or how I can read. Must be my intelligent pudding mind. Bless my creator.

Creator knocked on the door which opened not a moment too late. A boy with black messy hair poked his head out and holy Pudding, I wanted to get eaten by him right then and there. I tried calming down my raging emotions to be in his mouth, sliding down his throat and finally into his stomach but him moving his mouth to speak did not make matters any better.

"Hey mom," he greeted my creator by giving a peck on her cheek. A lazy smile adorned his handsome features. The sight made me want him to slurp me up whole. But I must be patient.

"Ren~ I made you a pudding! I remember you begging for pudding when you were younger," my creator gushed, pinching Ren's cheek.

He laughed lightly, rubbing his cheek where my creator pinched him. I felt as though I might melt from the wait. From what my creator just mentioned, I felt sure that Ren would love me.

"Sure," he said, taking the plate in which I sat on. "Thanks."

"Call me if you need anything, okay~" She gave a smile worthy of the world's best mother and hummed down the stairs.

I was elated. In a few minutes, I were to be eaten by the most gorgeous person I laid my eyes on. Even though he was the second person I've seen.

However, things didn't go as I expected.

Ren-sama shut the door, sighed heavily and placed me on his desk before plopping down on his bed.

"I thought she knew I dislike sweets now..." I heard him mumble into his pillow before resuming a manga.

I was flabbergasted. How could Ren-sama not be tempted by my deliciousness. Did that... Did that mean he wouldn't eat me!?

If puddings can shed tears, I felt them streaming down my face. I felt heartbroken. Ren-sama simply flipped through the pages of his manga as though he completely forgot my existence.

I badly want to be eaten. I don't want to be thrown away! ;-;

Notice me, Ren-sama ;–;

What have I written—

I was doodling a crying pudding during maths class today and this idea came to being lol (;∀;)

Um, uh, vote? Comment? \(;´□`)/

Master, Please Eat Me! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن