mahou shoujo...?

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Riko-sama gingerly placed me on her desk this time. This time, for sure, I felt that I was going to be eaten. My life wouldn't have been a waste. My purpose would be served.

However, this time, I didn't feel the rush or the excitement. The three hours I spent as a pudding felt...meaningless ;-;

I stared at Riko-sama, waiting for her to take a bite out of me. Waiting for her to eat me whole. Unlike the Ren-sama who rejected me.

Ren-sama... ;;—;; I could still remember his face clearly. His mouth in which I so badly wanted him to eat me up with. The very thought depressed me.

"Sorry that my brother didn't eat you," Riko-sama apologised, sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

No, no, Riko-sama is definitely not at fault. Why should she apologise. I mean-


Did she just apologise to me?

A pudding??

"Uh, yeah." Riko-sama replied, as thought it was the most obvious thing in the world.

My pudding mind got really confused. I may be a really intelligent pudding but I'm still a pudding. How could she even know what I'm thinking??

"To be honest, I really don't know," Riko-sama mused, a finger to her chin as in deep thought. "But I do know that I can uh, communicate with food. Somewhat like, telepathically."

I caramel-dropped (because puddings don't sweat). That explanation didn't sound normal. But a pudding freely expressing thought like me doesn't really count as normal, either.

But in all seriousness, Riko-sama, what are you?

She hummed in thought and looked back at me with a serious expression on her face. "A mahou shoujo."

I stared at her blankly. A mahou shoujo? Really? I wondered if Riko-sama is actually chuunibiyo.

"Pudding-chan, I'm literally not kidding at all. I am an A rank mahou shoujo. With the transformations and the certificate and all that."

That does sound sort of intriguing. Maybe if Riko-sama transformed, it'll be easier to believe.

"Last time I transformed to prove a slice of cake and things didn't end well." Riko-sama shuddered, recalling the memory.

I raised an eyebrow, (though I don't really have any eyebrows[*]). How so? I questioned Riko-sama.

"Well, mom barged in on me talking to the slice of cake in "cosplay", as she phrased, and was really insistent on taking me to see a doctor."

For the first time in hours, I let out a laugh. Riko-sama smiled to herself, probably feeling pleased to have cheered me up a bit. I thought a bit about the little incident Riko-sama told me and suddenly wondered about the cake.

Does Riko-sama usually talk with food and convince them she was a mahou shoujo?

Riko-sama laughed lightly, averting her nervous gaze. "About that...Cake-chan was also like you. Brother refused to eat her."


I felt a pang of sadness. So I wasn't the only one he had rejected, meaning, I definitely have no chance. Riko-sama ate poor cake-chan just like she's about to eat me.

At that, Riko-sama snorted. "No, no! I wouldn't chat with those who I'm about to eat and tell them about me being a magical girl!" She said between laughs.

Well, she could be a sadist and ate them up in order to shut their mouths so they wouldn't go spilling her secret. Then again, that sounds really stupid.

If Riko-sama wasn't going to eat her, what was she going to do?

"I was going to help her get eaten by Brother."

My nonexistent ears perked at this piece of news. If she was going to help cake-chan, then Riko-sama definitely knows a way. Maybe she was going to magically do something. I mean, she did say she was a magical girl.

For once, I was hopeful for Ren-sama to notice me. ~(*´∀'*)ゝ

[*] notice the reference?~ *wriggles eyebrows*

I think I enjoy writing this a bit more than I should wwwww

Mahou shoujo bc why the fudge not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anywayyy, comment, vote and whateverr ~~

(*pleased with myself for writing earlier than I usually tend to*)

Bye-bye all you sweet cotton candies!~ *smoke bombs away leaving behind glitter and sweets*

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