welcome to gurume high!

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"A new student?"

"He looks so cute!"

"Omg! He's with the Headmaster!♡"

"Hina-sama is with him, too?"

"Kyaah! ♡ Headmaster! Hina-sama!~"

"Hina-sama! How are you today!!"

A crowd of girls flocked nearby, hearts overtaking their eyes as they squealed in inhumanly high-pitched voices.

Chairman Cho waved at them with a closed eye smile, pretty much bursting an egg or two in the girls. How they have them, I'm not really sure?

Hina-sama merely kept her gaze forward.

I looked around awed. So this was a school. Chairman Cho and Hina-sama were accompanying me, giving a tour around here. The halls were packed with students. Most of who were cheering and going crazy over us (more of the other two though).

"Hina-chama! Looking very fine today too!" This time, a group of 4 boys; their foreheads wrapped in a pink ribbon reading "I♡HINA".

They carried boards with various messages like,





Hina-sama sighed, inching closer to me in expectation to hide herself. But the action seemed to rile the four more.

"Oi, newbie! Why are you getting so close to Hina-chama!" Yelled the pudgy one in the middle.

"Yeah! Who do you think you are!" A kind of scrawny one joined in.

"Get away from Hina-chama!" The other said.

I blinked, feeling awkward, confused and surprised by this treatment. Eh? Why??

A hand clutched my uniform sleeve and I looked at Hina-sama at my side. "Ignore them…,"she sighed, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. "They're always… like this."

Meanwhile, one of them, clad in square framed glasses, kept whispering to the others to keep their voices down and retreat for now.

"Come on, guys! The headmaster is with him."

Chairman Cho chuckled and gave the group a pleasant smile, "Good morning, my dear students. Let me introduce you to the Nijiro family's adoptive son."

A look of shock dawned on the boys' faces.

"Nijiro's.." Glasses gulped.

"Adoptive … son ..?" Pudgy finished, stuttering.

"So that means–!" Shorty started.

"Hina-chama's—" Scrawny's eyes bulged.

"–Brother!?" They exclaimed in unison, culture shocked.

Four of them stumbled back and fell on their bottoms. "Um, are you alri-" I tried asking before they quickly scrambled onto their knees, cutting me off.

"We apologise for our behaviour earlier, Aniki!!" They exclaimed, bowing their heads, respectfully.

What the actual scrambled eggs?

"We will now take our leave!" And with that, they took off, disappearing on to a turn. I could do nothing but blink dumbly.

By then, the hallway was more or less cleared. "Class starts soon… let's go," Hina-sama tugged on my sleeve, walking ahead already. Chairman Cho followed behind, humming a soft tune.

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