dear pudding lord...

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I excitedly wondered whether cake-chan was able to get eaten by Ren-sama. So, what did Riko-sama do?

Riko-sama lowered her gaze sadly, almost guiltily. She looked back up at me with a serious look on her face.

"You see, there's a way to change food into a human."

I gaped at Riko-sama. I could tell Riko-sama wasn't joking but the idea of food turning into a human sounded absurd. What was she going to do? Cast some sort of magical spell?

"I know it sounds hard to believe. But this isn't done with magic." Riko-sama lowered her voice, a drop of sweat trickling down the side of her head, "It's done with a power which far exceeds magic;" she gulped, "Godly powers."

I didn't really understand but I could feel the suspense. I swallowed slowly. Did this 'godly power' succeed in making cake-chan...human?

The expression from before regained on her face. She balled her fists tightly, nervously biting her bottom lip. She let out a deep breath before telling me about cake-chan.

"Remember how I mentioned transforming into a magical girl to convince cake-chan?" Riko-sama asked. I nodded in response.

"I was just done explaining what to do, when mom came to my room. She was worried I was talking to a cake in a strange outfit instead of eating. So she decided to take cake-chan.

"I sort of panicked cake-chan might get eaten before anything could even get started. I frantically asked mom not to take her away from me, not to eat her. Which was a really stupid thing to have said.

"In the end, cake-chan got eaten..." Riko-sama's voice cracked and her eyes watered. "I remember what she said to me before dad ate her," she continued.

"”Riko-chan, it's okay. This is my fate. Whether it's by Ren or not, I was bound to be eaten. Thank you for listening to my wish. Thank you for trying... Don't ever give up, my favourite human.“"

I watched as Riko-sama wiped the tear which slid down her fair cheek. I stayed silent, waiting for her to say more. She faced me with a more determined expression, "That's why, this time, I won't fail. I won't let Pudding-chan meet the same fate as cake-chan. This time, I will succeed!"

I felt touched. Riko-sama...! If I could, I would've given her a hug. Her determination somehow gave me motivation. Preparing myself for what's next, I asked Riko-sama, what do I have to do to be hu–

Before I could even finish my sentence, an urgent sounding beep-beep sound resonated in the room. Riko-sama jumped to her feet, quickly flipping open a cellphone with a star strap.

"It's an emergency..." She muttered more to herself. "I'm sorry Pudding-chan, but I have to go, quick." Riko-sama turned to go.

Wait, wait, wait! At least tell me what I have to do! After all that, not knowing how to become human felt pointless!

But Riko-sama was already at her door. Before running out, she answered over her shoulder, "Pray!"

That's all she said before closing the door behind her and disappearing from my sight. I heard her footsteps go down and her distinct voice saying, "I'm off."

Huh? Huuh!? Pray? Pray?? Nani the food!?* Pray to what? Pray, how??

However, I was in desperate need of Ren-sama to notice me. I decided not to fret over the small details. Pray, huh? I didn't know much about it but closed my eyes and concentrated really hard,

Dear Pudding Lord, please, please let me be more edible for Ren-sama. Please make me...human.’

[*] nani the food: puddy-chan is basically implying "what the f*ck" but since he doesn't cuss, he replaces those words with anything like fudge, food, doughnut, etc. Nani means 'what' in Japanese. I wrote it that way to make it look funny (*hopes I did well* *sweats*) In the second chapter he says 'puddinged' which, translated, is 'damned'.

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ aye, miu desu~

Er, well, I don't really have much to say in this note www

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