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   Kyoya and Jasmine let the acrobats of dogs. They all were staking on each other as they formed the piramid. Kyoya grabed one of the acrobat's hands and he began to make his way to the top. He balanced himself on the pyrimad and he waited for the next acrobat. Jasmine stood on a beam, shoes off and she did flips until she lands on Kyoya's shoulders, standing on her hands. Kyoya held her, and Jasmine's hands spread out as Kyoya held her in the air from on top of the pyrimad.

   Lief came up and saw them do the tricks, he smiled and watched as Kyoya threw Jasmine in the air and catch her again in a different position. Lief smiled, though it was hidden behind the mask. Jasmine was still standing on her hands, only now, she was standing on Kyoya's hands. The crowd around them cheered and clapped at the stunt, even Lief couldn't help but clap. But it died down as Kyoya threw Jasmine in the air and Jasmine began to do flips and tricks, until she landed on the ground, in a split, arms in the air for the finish. Lief was stuned by the trick that he barely heard the crowd clap even louder.

   Lief came up to Jasmine and helped her up. "That was really something." Lief said.

   "I'll say! She really showed everyone what asses they are!" A voice spoke.

   Lief looked around and saw a orange animal on one of the dog acrobat's shoulders. It looked like a farret wearing goggles and it had gloves on. Jasmine and Lief stared. The dog acrobat took his mask off to reveal a boy with yellowish-greenish hair and he wore the same pair of googles on his head. He had blue eyes and he had a sort of torn up uniform on. The sleeves were gone and he held the mask under his right arm. He looked at Jasmine. 

   "That was really something. I am impressed." he said. 

   Jasmine took her own mask off, and she smiled. "Thanks! I'm Jay." she said. 

   "Jak." He replied. 

   "And I am his side kick! Daxter, but you can call me Orange Lightning. Zazazing!" The animal said. 

   Lief took his mask off and stared at Jak. "Why are you here?" 

  "Me and Dax were heading away from the water, and we planed on going north, but we got caught with these guys, so we have to stay with them until we reach the north." Jak said. 

   Lief stared. He began to smile and he reached out his hand. "I'm Lief." He said, and Jasmine looked at him in surprise. Lief was trying to make a ally. 

   Cora took her flute and played the song that Lief and her played earlied. She kept playing, her tune, over and over. She loved how the birds sang to her song as she played. She loved hearing the trees whispering to her during her time of the tune. She loved how the wind dance with the song and carried it out into the open. She played and played. Spyro layed next to her and listened. The song was wonderful that it put a purple dragon to sleep. Cora smiled at Spyro and kept playing. She just played, not stoping. She didnt know that she was being watched by a pair of eyes. 

   Viva stared at the notes that Bess had written down for her to sing. She stared at the sheet. 

   "Sing these notes for me." Bess said. 

   Viva opened her mouth and sang the notes and she sang them over and over as Bess asked. Then Viva watched as Bess taught her how to make music. She paid close attention and she made sure she understood every word that Bess was trying to explain to her. She was told to write music and she did. She wrote what came to her mind and Bess told her to sing the notes. Viva did and it enchanted Bess more. 

    "Wonderful! You have such a voice! Victoria, if you could sing for the whole group and the preformances, then we will be very grateful." Bess said. 

   "Of course, Bess. I would never fail you." Viva said. 

   "Good. Remember to come here every morning to learn more of music." Bess said. 

   Viva nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Bess." 

   Viva left Bess's carivan and went to a open valley. She pulled her mask off and she set it down. Se opened her mouth and began to sing a lullaby. She was singing it very low and she wanted it to travel all the way to the Shadow Gate. And luckily, it did. 

   Lief met Viva in the valley and he watched her as she sang. She was singing in a sad tone. She looked really tired. He could understand though, she was in the valley all night long. Lief came up to Viva. 

   "How long were you out here for?" Lief asked. 

   "For a while." She replied. There was silence for a moment and then Viva spoke again. "Lief, do you mind playing something?" 

   Lief smiled. He remember the flute he was given by one of the people, so he pulled it out and began to play a song. Viva smiled at the song. Lief kept playing for her and he didn't stop until he was through with the entire song. 

   The friends talked to each other in the wagon. Jasmine liked the masked ones, and the acrobates they were with. Lief then spoke of a new ally that he had made. 

   "Lief......We can't make allies! Doom said to only trust only old friends!" Cora said. 

   "But look at Viva. We met her not to long ago and she hasn't tried to kill us!" Lief said. 

   "It doesn't matter. The more help we get, the more we are able to stop the shadow lord." Kyoya said. 

   Lief nodded. 

   Barda sighed. "I never met this new ally, but if Lief wants him. Then that is what will happen. He will join us on our journey." Barda said. 

   Everyone nodded in agreement. 

   "Now let us rest! I am tired" Viva said. 

   And with that, they all fell asleep. 

The Sister of the North: FloraWhere stories live. Discover now