Midnight's Dead line.

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   Lief ran over to Barda. 

   "Barda! You can't drink that!" Lief said. 

   Suddenly Bess jumped up and pointed at Barda. "Lewin! I think there is something wrong with your Uncle!" Bess said. 

   Barda stared. "I feel perfectly fine." Barda said. 

   Kyoya, Jasmine, and Cora came up and what happen next shocked everyone in the camp. Bess stared as Barda stood their, looking unharmed. Bess stood their and looked at her cup. Then she gasped and fell back into her chair. Lief looked in the tree where Kree was and saw that Kree was fluttering back onto his branch. 

   So Kree was the one who switched the cups. He must've figured out the switch and turned the table without anyone looking. Lief thought. 

   Bess screamed and fell back and Lief stared. 

   "She needs air!" Kyoya said. 

    Lief didn't move. He could. He looked at the clock. It was at twelve. And the bell was striking. Lief stared and felt his world spin. Kyoya ran over with Jasmine and began to take Bess's mask off, but Lief relized that they couldn't after the blood was on their hands. Viva had already taken it off. 

   "It's attached to her face!" Cried a woman

   "They tried to turn us into actuall creatures" said a man. Lief looked at them in confused thoughts. 

    His world was spining and Lief wasn't quite sure what to make out. 

   "Lewin." Lief looked at the Fox face lady. "Lewin, you belong with us, now. Come with us." She said holding her hand out to him. 

   Lief stared. He wasn't sure what to do. Lief looked at Cora, who had he mask off. And he couldn't tell who she was. She was tugging on him. Telling him to take the mask off. Lief saw a red head girl telling Lief him the same thing. Lief panted and heard everything muffled. Lief fell to the ground and looked up. Kyoya and Barda were holding his shoulders down while Jak was holding his legs down. Lief then felt pain and he looked up. Jasmine was pulling the mask off, and tears were strolling down her face. Cora was fighting off the other masked ones and Viva put up a firey barrier so that no body could disturb them. Lief felt the mask clinging to him. Lief looked at Jasmine again and then nothing, just the sound of someone's scream and the painful fealing on his face. Then he couldn't hear anything. 

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