Chapter 16: Bertha

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We all are seated around. Either on chairs or on some sort of furniture lying around randomly. I keep quiet as I watch Jorge slap the hell out of Marcus, and Brenda watches as well. She just woke up ten minutes ago, her eyes bloodshot.

Tommy stirs and he slowly wakes up. He takes a moment to process everything and as he does, Jorge slaps Marcus yet again.

"You better talk son of a bitch!" Jorge shouts, startling some of us.

There are several loud gasps and Marcus shouts, "Dammit!"

"I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to leave my house," Marcus says, slurring slightly on the words.

Rhea stands in the corner, eyeing the duo but not making a move to approach them. Tommy walks towards me and Frypan and I look up at him.

"Looks like you've been having fun," I say sarcastically.

Jorge spreads his arms wide. "Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you okay? Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"

Minho now moves to stands next to Thomas, who looks both shocked and tired. Minho seems only slightly bothered by all this, in all honesty.

"Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas asks, pointing towards Marcus, his tone betraying his shock.

Marcus chuckles maniacally as Jorge turns to look back at Thomas, who watches in confusion and shock.

"This kid catches on quick," Marcus says sarcastically. "Are you the brains of the operation?"

Jorge turns back and grabs Marcus by the hair. "I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal," Jorge says, releasing him and spreading his arms as Marcus chuckles maniacally again. "You can come with us."

"I'd burned that bridge long ago," Marcus says slowly. "Besides, I make my own deal. You're the one who taught me. Never miss an opportunity."

I frown and nod towards Marcus. "What's he talking about?"

"I'm talking about supply and demand," Marcus answers loudly. "WICKED wants all the immunes they can get. I help provide them for them. So I lure the kids in and they get drunk, have a good time. Later, WICKED comes in, separate the wheat from the chaff."

A sick feeling settles in me when I realise what he means. This is bloody insane. Rhea has stepped forward, gripping her knife, as if ready to throw when necessary. I look back at Marcus and Jorge.

"I change my mind, hermano. I do enjoy hurting you," Jorge snarls, then he kicks Marcus on the chest and his chair falls to the ground, him strapped to it.

Marcus shouts and I'm on my feet, next to Minho and Thomas, and we've all moved a step towards them in shock as Jorge cocks his gun and aims it at Marcus.

Jorge bends down over Marcus and brings the gun to Marcus's forehead.

"Talk. Talk!" Jorge demands.

"Okay! Jeez!" Marcus grunts. "Not making any promises. These guys like to move around."

Jorge and Frypan bring Marcus's chair upright again. Rhea's knife is gone, and I see how tightly her fists are clenched at her sides, her knuckles whitening.

"They have an outpost in the mountains. It's a long way away. It's got about half a week. You're never gonna make it."

Jorge chuckles with humour. "Not on foot." He starts smiling, and there's a few seconds before he bends down and slaps Marcus's arm. "Where's Bertha?"

Marcus winces. "Not Bertha."


An hour later and we're riding Bertha. It's a blue car with two tusks connected at the front. It's got eight seats. I sit shotgun, Jorge drives next to me. Minho sits at the window seat behind, Thomas, Aris and Frypan cramped up next to him, Frypan staring out the window. At the three back seats, the girls are cramped there.

I got the best seat of us all really. Even in this suckish situation we're in, I can't help but grin.

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