Chapter 17: The Right Arm

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Despite how little space I'm given at the back of the car, I feel myself relax somewhat, leaning my head out the window, trying to enjoy this feeling. I've never been in a car where I could stick my head out and observe the surroundings and feel the wind in my face. WICKED vehicles and typically all enclosed, after all.

We are ascending up a mountain path. I hate it, but for some reason I have a suspicion that something is going to go wrong.

Soon, we reach the entrance of a tunnel. There's cars everywhere though, all probably broken down by now. There's no way we can make it past them. Jorge stops the car and I make sure my hood is adjusted properly before swinging the door open and heading out of the car.

I scan the area and instantly, there's this tingling in my spine. We're being watched. Everyone climbs out of Bertha as I turn around, looking around at the mountains.

"There are snipers around here," I say, eyeing the top of mountains wearily.

"We should get cover," Sonya says, following my gaze.

I go to the front of a car and lean my back against it, crouching. Sonya is next to me, hand hovering over her knife, eyes alert.

I bring three fingers up and slowly count down, looking to my left, where Thomas and Newt are. Three, two, one.

"Come out where we can see y'all! Everyone up! Now!" Someone shouts.

I recognise that voice. I look to Sonya and push her knife arm down and stand slowly, hands raised.

I catch sight of the person, my suspicions confirmed. Even with the mask on her face, it's easy to tell apart her shock of red hair and her bright hazel eyes. "Maria?" I suck in a breath as I see her lowering her gun, her eyes widening. "We thought you'd died."

Maria yanks down her scarf, which covers her face, down. She's gaping at me, looking from me to Sonya and laughing incredulously. "Rhea? We thought you were gone!" Maria exclaims, jogging up to me and shaking my hand.

She was in our Maze. Was a Runner. We were close. She was in another group, ran through three sectors. We used to try to solve the Maze's problem together. I thought she had died when we emerged from the helicopter that came to take us.

People had suddenly attacked us, started shooting at us, and they managed to get ahold of Maria and another girl, June. I just assumed they were dead, but seeing them here...

"Maria? No way," Harriet says, standing up.

"Holy Harriet! It's Harriet!" Maria jokes, and Sonya laughs as she stands next to me, hugging Maria.

"Let me guess," I say, then point to the dark skinned girl beside Maria. "June?"

June brings her scarf down and lowers her rifle to reveal that she's grinning. "Took you long enough, Rhea. Where have y'all been?"

June was a fighter in the arena, where we fought back in the Forest.

"You won't believe us if we told you," Quill says, appearing from next to Newt.

Now the guys show themselves and Maria is grinning.

"Guys, it's okay! These are friends!" Maria turns towards the mountains and shouts out, waving her arm in a downwards motion, likely to signal for them to lower their guns.

"Aris!" June exclaims, running over and hugging him. "Jeez we all thought y'all were freaking dead! Scared the hell out of us!"

"We all have this annoying habit of not dying," I state, only half joking. My relief that Maria and June are alive and well outweighs my caution about this place. For now, I decide, that's okay.

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