A Drunk Sky Is A Good Sky

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The music has started and a bunch of couples are already on the dance floor. I notice Rydar with a girl but of course I try not to stare. Rocky is in the corner talking to his sister. She seems angry and I can't tell if it was at me. I've clearly not done anything wrong to her.

I turn and swivel my stool back in the direction of the bar. "Another one, please," I say indicating at my cup.

The bartender hesitates but pours me a cup anyway. I know he thinks I've had too much. I probably have, but he's worried to turn me down. I can see by the way he watches Rocky. Rocky of course doesn't notice, and probably hasn't the whole night.

When I take big sips, my head spins. I lay my palms flat against the table and take deep breaths. Maybe this many drinks was a bad idea.

I turn back to Rocky, he's not by Daniella's side anymore. She's alone with a book in her hand and seems like the odd one out.

"Looking for me," someone whispers in my ear. When I turn in my stool, Rocky's head bangs into mine and I pull back to rub my forehead.

"No," I mutter. "And don't stand that close."

Rocky lifts an eyebrow and smirks. "Is that so?" He says. "This coming from the girl who kissed me over an hour ago and didn't mind it."

I crunch my nose up in disgust.

He says something. Rocky. His voice isn't clear. He isn't clear. He's blurry. I cannot tell.

He tries to repeat whatever he just said. I cannot understand it.

"You okay?" He asks.

I heard that. I somehow cannot form words so I nod instead. He's still blurry but not as much, enough to seem him frown.

"Come on," he says as he pulls me off the stool.

I place my hand on his chest, first to steady myself but secondly to push him away. "Don't get close."

"Damn it, Sky," he says frustrated. I can hear it in his tone. "I am trying to help you."

I turn my head. We're invisible. No one has seen us yet and I need to keep it that way. It would be so bad if his family saw this. I'm drunk and it's not a good look. I don't think I was ever drunk, only on the first day of university and after that I swore I'd never get drunk again. That hangover was a nightmare.

I place my arm around his shoulders. Calm washes over me. I no longer hate him. Oddly enough, I don't want to push him away anymore. "You smell good," I say looking at him from a tilted angle.

Rydar looks at us and for a second I notice them pass a message on with their expressions. Rocky mouths something and Rydar nods as he points to the back door.

Rocky pulls me but it's like I lose my balance. I'm tipsy. My weight goes forward and I almost fall. Rocky grabs me and supports my weight on his. "Nearly there," he mouths in my ear as he pulls me to the back door.

He pushes it open and rests me on the railing outside that lead down five stairs to the parking lot of the hall.

"Should I ask why you're drunk?"

I laugh shaking my head. "Cause you messed everything up."

Rocky stares into my eyes. His expression warns me and I'm forced to look down. My fingers reach for the button on his shirt and I play with it.

"Care to explain?"

I sigh. "Why couldn't we have dated like normal couples? You're actually not a bad person," I say pretty sure I won't remember this tomorrow and have a likely chance that I'll regret it in a minute or two.

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