Wet and Sick

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I aware how naked I am under the sheets. I'm also very much aware that Rocky is sitting approximately two metres away from me, he's in very close proximity. I don't like the idea of him being that close when I'm naked.

I twist my hand and reach out for the towel by the bedside table. Before my hands wrap around the towel, Rocky is by my side.

"What do you need?" He asks.

I don't want to tell him I need the towel. If I did, I'd have to tell him why, and using the towel to cover my naked body would make no sense to a man like Rocky.

I swallow and look down. "The towel," I mutter.

"It's wet," Rocky says. "Let me get you another."

He stands and makes his way to the door as I tell him, "don't."

He turns to face me.

Here goes. "Don't get the towel," I say. "If you can, perhaps my clothes from the bathroom."

Rocky clears his throat. "Of course," he says before heading towards the en-suite bathroom.

I grab my head, the aching has stopped but somehow something doesn't feel right. That wasn't even a headache. No, what I experienced in the bathroom was a lot worse. My hands bunch around the bed sheets as I pull it closer to my neck. Whatever it was, it wasn't normal that's for sure.

"Mind explaining what happened in there?" Rocky says, drawing me out of my thoughts. My head snaps in his direction as he takes a seat on the side of the bed. He places the clothes beside him and reaches to tuck my hair behind me ear.

I shake my head gently. "I don't know."

"Has it happened before?" He asks. His voice masks what he is truly feeling because it's solid and careless, though deep down I know he's worried, his eyes tell me that much. He's not a good actor after all.

I sit up. Trying to reciprocate his own behaviour, I carelessly shake my head. "Nope, but doesn't matter," I say. "All's good."

It's a lie though, because the minute I stand with the bedsheets around me, my vision blurs. I can sense the bedsheets escaping from my hand but I freeze.

Rocky's hand grabs the sheets and pulls them tighter against my skin. "Doesn't seem good," he says as he leans my body against himself. "Lift your arms."

I don't know why I listen to him, or worse, obey him but I lift my arms. He slips the shirt on and once it covers my belly button, he pulls the bedsheets down to my waist. I try not to overthink the gesture. He knows I don't want him to see me naked and he's respecting that. The Rocky Hamilton is respecting that. Have I thought wrong of him this whole time.

My underwear sits on top of the jeans on my clothing pile. I blink away the terror. He hasn't seen it yet. I had placed it between my top and jeans. When he turns to grab the next piece of clothing, his hand stops short of my underwear. "I didn't think this through."

I grab his shoulders to hold myself up.

"I swear," he mutters. "My eyes will be closed. I will pull the sheets and quickly get you into this," he says pointing in the direction of my underwear.

A small smile creeps onto my face. "For someone who was hoping to get some sex out of this deal, you're awfully behaved now. You do realise that sex would have resulted us naked for the most part," I say straightforwardly. "What, you suddenly shy of me being naked?"

I hate that I just teased him.

He blinks. "I don't mind seeing you naked," he says with his hand on my back. "In fact I'd quite like that," he whispers seductively while his hand pushes my back forcing my body closer to his. "I just think you deserve better."

When he mutters those words, his lips are a mere few centimetres away. Any closer and they'd be touching.

He gets me into my underwear and jeans in a matter of seconds. The expertise to get a girl dressed scares me. He claims he hasn't sleep with anyone since high school, I don't know if I believe that, though he definitely has gotten quite a few girls undressed.

I sit on the bed and rest my hands beside me. Rocky leans against the wall and watches me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says.

I can tell he wants to say something but thinks better of it. "You should rest," he tells me before exiting the room.

Whatever is going on between us, isn't good. There is only a few months left to this contract and I need to be able to leave as a free spirit. I cannot see him act like a damn gentleman. No...he needs to be the horrid Rocky I recognise him as. That would make leaving easy.

I take a deep breath and push myself off the bed. The headache I expressed has subdued and no longer feels like a pounding in my head.

I make my way down the stairs and stop short of the living room. I should've stayed in the bedroom but somehow I didn't like the idea of Rocky leaving me there alone. Of course I hate myself that I've come downstairs just to see what he's up to. I don't care about him, so why on earth am I so concerned about his whereabouts?

The sound of the TV confirms Rocky's whereabouts...unless it's someone else, although that's very unlikely.

I lean against the arch that shapes the living room entrance. It's the news channel. Rocky watches the bloody news, that's new.

"Didn't take you for the news kind," I say.

Rocky turns to face me. He looks down at the remote and mutes the TV. "You were supposed to be resting."

I make my way over to the couch where he is sitting. "Upstairs," I say knowing very well what I'm about to admit to will cost me. "What you did for me...I appreciate it."

Rocky watches me. He doesn't utter a word.

"That is how it was meant to be," I tell him. "If we had a working chance, that is how it was meant to be."

Rocky moves closer to me on the couch. His hand wraps around mine and I let him. "That is how it will be," he says. "I promise."

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