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Logan and Rory were on their way to their flight.

In the limo, Rory and Logan were talking, laughing and sipping champagne.

"I do believe you owe me a kiss Mrs. Huntzberger."

"Oh? I don't recall."

"I think you do recall, but you just don't want to remember."

"Mmm... maybe."

"Come here."

"Is it safe?" Rory teases.

"Well of course." Logan pulls Rory to him.

He leans in for a kiss when they get intrupped by the driver, "We have arrived Mr. & Mrs. Huntzberger."

Logan silently groaned, Rory giggled.

"Let's go." Logan muttered as he got out then held out his hand for Rory to take it.

She grabbed his hand and got out.

They then made their way to the private jet.

It was a comfortable and most beautiful interior. With leather seats and furniture and all that.

Once they got situated and ready to take off she decided to talk about an important matter.

"Logan, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong per say, but I got a job as a staff member at the New York Times."

"Ace, that's amazing! But what's the matter? Isn't it what you've always wanted?"

"Well, yeah. But I kinda want to take over the family business. The Hayden Law Firm. I have the experience and Law was my second major. I just-... I don't know what to do."

"Ok, well how about we put that behind and wait until after the honeymoon to discuss, because we need the time we have stress free."

"That sounds good." Rory says smiling.


After the long plane ride to their honeymoon destination; London.

Rory was still sound asleep, while Logan was awake. He tried to go to sleep, but couldn't.

He was thinking of their future.

A new family

A new home


Family businesses

Them together



He was thinking and was in deep thought, he didn't realize he was smiling like a big goofball, nor did he know his sleeping beauty was awake and staring at him weirdly.

"Why are you smiling like the Cheshire cat?"

Logan snapped out of trance, and looked to he right where his wife is.


Rory giggles at her confused husband.

"You were smiling like an idiot. Why were you smiling?"

"I was just thinking..."


"About us, our future. All... that."

Rory smiled at the thought of a future with him.

"Now what are you smiling at?" Logan teased.

"Oh nothing. Just something."

"If it's something then why call it nothing? Now share this something with your husband." Logan smiles.

"Fine, I was thinking of our future too."

They share a small laugh.

"You know, if it wasn't for the writing assignment. I would of never met you, and we wouldn't of ever been in this situation." Rory says.

"Oh I'm pretty sure we'd be in a similar situation later on. Our families took this just as an opportunity to push us together. Who would of thought that a playboy would be happily settling down with such an amazing women? But I still think it's interesting that they got this to happen so quickly. I wonder why." Logan says giving Rory a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Hmm... actually... that is interesting. Why did they get us to marry so quickly and we were willing to do so? Well, we'll have to set that conversation aside for another time. We're about to land." Rory says motioning to the airport landing not too far away.

Logan nods and they both get ready for the landing.


With the families:

Mitchum & Shira...

"We got to get it all together soon!" Shria said frantically to Mitchum.

"Yes I know dear. But the soonest is when they get back."

"We're running out of time Mitchum!" Shira exclaimed.

"Listen I understand, but we just have to be patient. We already completed half the contract, the other half won't be easy but it will happen soon."

"But Mitchum, we only have 6 more months!"

"I know, I know."

"Well then if you know then how come you didn't push the date back another year?!"

"Shira, I couldn't do anything about it. They refused to push it back after the eight other times. They won't accept any offer."

"Well then let me talk to him!"

"Shira, it's the McCrea firm. They only allow certain amounts of revisions. We went over that amount four changes ago!"

"Well, can't you switch over to Hayden Law? Their family now. They could help."

"Shira, this contract cant change law firms. It's strictly created by Elias."

"We're gonna lose it. We're gonna lose it all! Mitchum, we can't lose it all!"

"And we won't. All Logan needs to do is have a heir. If they are pregnant then we are fine with the contract and we won't lose anything. It's just a matter of time in the next 6 months." Mitchum states to his frantic wife.

Shira nods and mumbles, "I need a spa treatment." And walks off.

Mitchum sighs, he grabs the contract and reread it for the 50th time that day.

Emily, Richard & Francine...

"Okay, so we got five dresses, shoes, jewelry sets, makeup kits, clutches, and many other accessories." Emily states looking around the bedroom that was organized and filled with all that they bought for Rory.

"Yes, yes. She has many choices and they all are beautiful. Now that that's sorted. We should put together the seating chart for the event on New Year's Eve." Francine says.

"Ah, yes yes. Let's go to the dining room." Emily says.

The two women make their way down stairs.

"Emily? Francine? What are you doing back so early? It's only mid afternoon." Richard says.

"We're done with our shopping now it time to go over the event setting chart."

"Ah, yes. Now, I'll be in my study if you need me." Richard says and heads off in the direction of the study.

New Year SuspicionsWhere stories live. Discover now