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The couple start to exit their gate, walking towards the exit, to leave the airport, when they saw Frank with a sign saying: Mr. & Mrs. Huntzberger.

They make their way towards Frank.

"Hey Frank!" Logan greeted.

"Frank! It's good to see you, how's the family?" Rory asked energetically.

"Afternoon Logan, Rory. It's good see you're both happy and well. My family is doing well, my daughter just turned 7 last week."

"That's wonderful! Tell her Happy Belated Birthday for me."

"Of course."

At that, they made their way to the limo and to their destination - the Hayden residence.


Lorelai was in the bedroom she shared with Chris fixing her makeup and touching up her hair. Her reflection in the full body mirror showcased her "Girls Night Out" aura. She reached for her clutch and was about to exit the house when she suddenly heard a door opening and closing followed by footsteps and chatter. She carefully set her clutch down on her vanity and then quietly slipped into the bathroom. She kept silent, waiting for whoever was downstairs to leave.

The footsteps grew closer and closer to the bedroom and soon she heard a knock.

Odd. Robbers don't knock. Come to think of it, it's still day time. Right?


Lorelai couldn't depict the voice it sounded like... no. Jason doesn't know the current address of the Hayden residence. But then again there's the connections he has...

Lorelai stayed silent and waited.

"Mum?" The muffled voice asked again a little louder. Then a deeper voice spoke and was quite different from the soft feminine voice.

Lorelai tried to listen in but only could hear mumbles since she was listening through a door within a room with a closed door.

"...her car is out front..." the feminine voice spoke a minute later.

"But I wanna see her first!" The female voice whined. And in that moment Lorelai knew it was her little Livy.

Lorelai scrambled to get the bathroom door open and she started grinning ear to ear, she called out: "Livy, baby, mama is right here! I was just coming to see you!" Lorelai twisted the knob on the bedroom door open and started to speak before she saw her visitors, "Jason if you waited one more - oh!"

Lorelai stood their wide eyed and pale as she stared at her newly married daughter and son-in-law.

Logan was staring at her with a stern gaze, an eyebrow raised and his whole vibe growled in anger.

Rory on the other hand was dumbfounded. Who the hell was "Livy" and why did her own mother refer to herself as mama? Unless...

"Oh hell no!" Rory suddenly blurted out.

Lorelai jumped at the sudden outburst and Logan turned his head so fast he must have gotten whiplash.

Rory was seeing red as she stared at her mother.

"Rory, babe, it's not what you think." Lorelai started as she tried to build some courage to the face to face encounter.

"Really? Then what is it?! Who the hell is Livy and you better explain why you mentioned Jason Styles and don't say it's a different Jason because we all know that there has only been one Jason that has ever met you!" Rory glared, grinding her teeth together with a clenched jaw. She was furious and dangerous now that her mood had flipped from happy and relaxed to down right flaming anger.

"There's an honest explanation." Lorelai tried to reason.

Rory folded her arms and took an intimidating stance, tapping her foot and not leaving the hallway.

Logan looked at both of them and had silently pulled out his phone and dialed his dad who was in audiance with Straub, Chris and Richard.

"Hello? Logan?" Mitchum speaks but suddenly yelling echoes through and he puts it on speaker for the other men to hear.

"... You cheated on dad! How could you?!"

Mitchum looked up at the other men just as they whipped their heads in his direction. They knew who was yelling.

"Rory, it's not like that! I didn't- " Lorelai eased.

"Then tell me why the hell you are involved with Jason! JASON of all people! He hates kids!" Rory yelled.

"He does not-" Lorelai rebutted.

"Yes he does! His fianceé broke it off because he didn't want children."

"Oh so now you listen to the rumor wheel." Lorelai growled.

"I heard it come out of his mouth." Rory growled back.

"When did he say that?" Lorelai asked poking the bear.

"The last associate party for Grandpa Richard where the Stiles sneeked in."

"You're being irrational." Lorelai scoffed.

"What did you just say?" Rory said with a cationary tone.

"Wha -? Oh no that's not what I meant." Lorelai was confused and then realized.

"Really? Then what did you mean?"

"Ugh! Rory listen to me I have to go see your sister-" Lorelai said irritatingly.

"No! She is not my sister. And you are not my mother. I trusted you. Dad trusted you. Both grandparents trusted you and you betrayed everyone." Rory's voice cracked.

"Ace..." Logan had a warning in his tone.

Everyone knew this was going down hill fast.

"I don't want to see you anymore and if everyone in this family found out about this. Your life will be hell. If you get a divorce, that will be the happiest thing to happen to me."

"Rory!" Lorelai cried.

"No." Movement was heard over the phone.


"No. Stop. Just stop." Rory stated.

Footsteps echoed and movement was heard before Logan's voice was heard.

"Look, Lorelai. Rory is hurt and I'm sure you have your reasons. But what just happened here is that your relationship with Rory has been severed and there may be nothing that can fix it. I'd think about what you just did and come forward with it. Everyone deserves the truth."

There was silence in the air and then the dial tone.


Hello update!!! I am alive and working to finish this story this month and then next month I will be focusing on one book until it is finished.

I'm cleaning up my writing cause I'm a mess and my friend is like battering me to fix my writing issues so...

Be prepared!

Also if you catch any mistakes or plot holes please do message me. I'll be doing some serious story editing to every book I focus on. Once this book is finished I will let you know what book will be focused on in March.

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