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The following morning as Chris gets up and goes to work, Lorelai calls in a personal day. Lorelai waits an hour before she leaves.

She's all dressed in a nice form fitting dress and 6 inch high heels. She gets into her car and heads to her destination...

New Hampshire

She drives for hours and reaches a small, beautiful, town home and parks her car.

She unlocks the door and calls out,

"Sweety! I'm home!"

"Mommy!" A little brunette runs out to her.

"Hey sweets, I've missed you. Is daddy home?"

"I've missed you too mommy!" She squeals.

"I'm right here Lorelai." A man's voice comes from the kitchen.

Lorelai walks into the kitchen with her daughter on her hip.

There standing over the stove is Jason Styles.

"Hey Jason, oh! Is that coffee?!" Lorelai asks setting down her daughter next to her toys.

"Yes, that is coffee. Help yourself. How are you? I haven't seen you in almost a year."

"I'm fine Jason, and I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. Rory just got married and family drama is happening, I've never gotten the chance to escape."

"That's what you've said last time! You never find the time! I've cared and looked after our daughter for four years now! You always have family drama, which doesn't surprise me, your family always has drama going on." Jason scoffs.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Lorelai shreaks.

Jason sighs.

"I want us to be together Lorelai. No more hiding. No more secrets. I want us to be able to have an open relationship. I don't like how this, us, has been going on while you are still married. I want this to stop."

"Jason... I cant. I need to stay married. When the time is right I'll divorce Chris and take all he has. We live happily in a big home the three of us and maybe more. We won't be stuck on a tight budget." Lorelai says holding his hand.

"I love you Lorelai Gilmore."

"And I love you Jason Styles."

They smiled at each other, then looked at their little girl in the corner.

Lorelai "Livy" Olivia Styles


The P.I. had followed Lorelai and took many photos and notes. He was there for a few hours until Lorelai left around 8. The P.I. ran around the corner to his car and left, following at a fair distance.

Once he entered Hartford, he went straight to the Hayden Law firm giving all the details.

"No way!" Colin explains as he looks at the SD Card the P.I. gave him.

"What?" Chris asks as he looks up from the paperwork.

"Look." Colin says pushing the screen to face Chris.

Chris pales and is bursting with anger.


Rory wakes up in the arms of her husband Logan and smiles she was about to go back to sleep when she realized that there were eyes staring at her.

She looks up.

"We're you staring at me while I was sleeping? How long has you been up?" Rory says looking into the warm brown eyes on Logan's face.

Logan chuckles at her, "Well, yes I was staring at you, you are beautiful when you're sleeping. I haven't been up long, only 40 minutes."

Rory smiled at him and snuggled even more into his and Logan kissed her head.

"Can we just stay here forever?"

"Ah, well I would love to stay here with you forever Ace, but we need to get up."

"Awwww.... whyyyy!!!! It's our honeymoon, we don't need to get up, yet." Rory whines holding onto Logan's arm as he tries to get out of bed.

"Would you like to stay in bed, or get breakfast and coffee? Personally, I'm starving, but if you don't want food then stay here -..." Logan was then cut off and Rory flying out of bed and into the kitchen to brew some coffee.

Logan just burst into laughter at his wife.

After they enjoyed their breakfast, they went site seeing. Logan laughed at Rory's amazement at everything, and knew he was going to be happy with her forever.

Okay, so..... I'm gonna do short chapters for now on, on this book. I got nothing right now, and I'm exhausted!

If anyone understands the torture of a Runday Monday then you have my sympathies. If you dont know what that is well.... let me break it down... IT'S PRACTICALLY AWFUL! *clears throat* Uh... yeah, so every Monday we have P.E. (I have it on A days; it alternates depending on the day you have it: A or B). We do this running exercise. This week was the bleachers. We go to the high school's football field and run up and down the bleachers steps. [There are two sets of bleachers and cement walk ways to attach them, if you get what mean] Anyways, we had to do it three times around, plus, (this is "awesome") I had it as my last class. It's hot outside too so it was fantastic! Then I ride the bus(that practically holds all the heat from outside) and walk for a few minutes or so to get home. It's exhausting honestly. Anyways, that was a lot to get off my chest. 😧😥


Okay I'm good now! I will update some time later this month or week like I've said before. Yes, I know I've said I would update soon so much. But yeah, anyway I have chapters for almost ALL of my books in the process so... yeah. Bye! 😁

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