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Okay I have to be honest with you guys. I have no clue how to end this book and I'm going to start a plot adoption soon because frankly i need to get rid of a ton of ideas that I have come up with and have no motivation to work on them.


Rory cried as she sat in the car waiting for Logan to take her to their place.

Logan walked out and rushed out to the car.

Once he got in, he took her hands in his.

"Ace, it's going to be okay."

Rory started to shake her head, "No. No it's not. She cheated on dad! How could she do that to him! To me! And despite everything, that little girl!"

Logan didn't know what to do.

"Okay, we're going somewhere." Logan says pulling away and turning to the wheel.

"What?" Rory said looking at him through teary eyes.

"We are going somewhere."

"Where are we going?"

"As I said, somewhere."

Rory was about to say something, but decided it wasn't worth it.


Lorelai watcged the car containing het daughter and son in law disappear.

She sighed and made her way down to the garage to take her car to see her youngest and baby daddy.

She sat in the car ready to cry and sob. She wanted to wallow in her sorrow, but she didn't deserve to do that.

She drove on with blurred vision from the tears. Through the tears she neglected the red light.


Her vehicle was totalled as well as the other two cars and the semi-truck barely had a scratch as it drove over the three vehicles.

Lorelai saw black as her body felt like it was floating away into darkness.

Lorelai died. As well as the other victims.


The Gilmores recieved the call and raced to the hospital to identify her body.

The funeral followed two weeks later. Rory didn't cry because of the anger she still held.

Days later Rory was in the office when she was contacted from child services about her sister being an orphan. Appearently Jason was also a victim to the crash leaving little Livy with no one but Lorelai said if she were to die Livy would be given to Rory as guardian. Jason's parental rights weren't official since Livy's birth certificate was a fake and the father is unknown. Rory immediately called her father and Logan.

Chris talked to the social worker about Livy staying with him and doing a blood test to see if he's the father of Livy.

After the blood test it was true that Chris was Livy's father and she immediately was to stay with him. Livy was hesitant but went with it. Still confused but she sort of recognized Chris from photos on Lorelai's phone.

Gilmores, Haydens and Huntzbergers treated Livy as their own but there was always a veil of distance between Livy and everyone because of Lorelai. Livy grew up close to Honor and her kids and talked to her about everything. She was semi close with her dad, not really close with her sister but were close to her younger nieces and nephews.

Rory and Logan had six kids in the span of 12 years.

And they lived happily ever after with the exceptions of family drama, coffee, pop culture refrences, fights, door slamming, kicking and screaming, and above all... the LDB boys and their shenanigans.


I AM DONE WITH THIS BOOK!! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADOPT THIS PLOT... (without the first book, I'm keeping that one. I worked hard on that one)... LET ME KNOW. THANK YOU. ☺☺☺

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