Chapter Twenty-Three

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         "Say hello to your favorite auntie!" Ode grins at the three-year old Princess Arnina Ode. She toddles around with a dull sword, fashioned of soft wood with a humorously squarish point, in one hand. Ode's grin grows wider when she sees the little princess's play pen's been hacked up and chopped at, nailed back together in separate spaces where the budding warrior had escaped.

"No, that's not how you hold a weapon." She fixes Arnina's grip. "There, much better. All the better to chop up anybody who stands in your way as a future Empress." The princess gurgles a happy spit bubble, then sneezes. Even her sneezes sound musical, just like Ryu promised.

Emperor Elio strides in as Ode's waving her scimitar in a smooth arc. The baby struggles to mimic the action with the square sword. "Sister Ode." Elio begins, scratching at his black beard, his own skin beneath his nails. A nervous tic.

Ode looks over disapprovingly. "You'll scratch your skin raw if you keep that up."

"News from the watchtower. Horses out in the desert, travelling with a young girl. All of them are dressed in the garbs of sailors. I think we found your pirate. They're about a day's ride out from Lioness Gate."

Ode peers out the window, homing in with her red-black eyes, glowing softly. She sees forms behind the wall. Lunes with their blasted technology, their chemical concoctions and lightning-glow sticks, all set to fire. No respect at all for the real art of war, with blades and Diviner weapons, an art to the craft. All explosions and flashy displays of scientific prowess. But then, she sees the forms of the witches, dressed in elaborate veils like the witches in tales, others choosing to bare their skin proudly, only bandaging their breasts and wearing trousers. Defenders of womanhood, Ode's own mother was queen of them. Vowing to protect women persecuted by patriarchal, women-wielding-magic oppressors. Shame, they've been influenced by an evil mother-in-law who tried to murder her own son, Kane, for his powers and is upset that we imprisoned her in return.

"They'll need a distraction to break through those forces." Ode swings the scimitar experimentally, inwardly wincing at its weight, though she did her best to hide the pain. Damn, aging and the muscle aches hurt.

Emperor Elio reaches for his own broadsword, sun-gold tattoos glowing. Eyes gold, lit by the inner, Diviner's fire. Then he pauses, uncertain. "Who will watch Arnina?"

Ode clasps the Emperor's arm reassuringly. "It's okay. You and Ryu should watch your precious daughter. I have other plans for backup."

Elio's mouth gapes when he realizes what she's implying. "Not her."

"Yes," Ode beams up at him. "The Queen of Thieves ought to come out of retirement."


Hey Pirates,

It's official. I love Arnina Ode.



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