Chapter Forty-Four

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Aziz takes in the first deep breath of air they've had in days.

Even for a god, stowing away on a ship wasn't the easiest of tasks.

Bare feet, a lazy grin set beneath two, pretty red eyes. A long scarlet tunic brushes against their thin ankles, red-painted toenails.

The grin only widens as they lay their long-lashed gaze upon the Rahasian sailors, milling about and tending to the cloaked Arnina. One brandishes a two-headed spear. "You're not supposed to be here!"

"No," Aziz purrs, waving away the aggression. The spear flies out the man's hands, wrenching him off his feet entirely. The rest of the navy surge forwards, military precision. "I'm most definitely meant to be here, darling."

The entire deck falls into a deep slumber, dreaming of lust-filled days ashore, liquor flowing freely. Aziz pushes their soft, long hair behind one ear, the gold hoop glinting against the bronze of their neck. "Sometimes it's good to be the god of beauty. Dream beautiful dreams, darlings." A laugh, so pleasing to the ear. A laugh that makes you go just the slightest bit insane. "Dear sister-in-law Ode shouldn't have left me behind so easily. Not when I wanted to pay a visit to mother."

Aziz frowns, sniffing blood in the air. A familiar scent. Godly flesh torn from godly flesh. "If those philistine Lunes even left anything of her corpse."


Ali's knife burrows cleanly through the chest of the man with the yellow spikes in his head. The woman with blue hair stops smiling. She screams in anguish, pulling the dying man towards her. Her robe pulls back in the movement.

Revealing her arms are both pulsating with electricity, little veins of silver twined through twisted flesh. The dice fall from my ears, rolling two.

The snake-skinned man glances curiously down as Ali throws two more thin blades at his neck. The blades just skid easily from his modified skin.

"Dice, how humorously superstitious." He smiles, a forked tongue slithering between his teeth. "But we've evolved past that."

Dammit, some help the dice were.

"Then I'll make my own luck." I shrug, the dice evaporating and reappearing in my ears. The snake-skinned man's gaze follows just for that moment.

Distracted just long enough so I can shove him into the embrace of the electrified blue-haired woman. They fall, the snake-skinned man thrumming with thunder and lightning.


The rest follow as we slam the laboratory doors shut, effectively locking those horrible, modified council members behind us.

...leaving only the horrors in front.

Two halves of gods, with metal skeletons replacing their empty halves. The Lord of Deceit, the Matriarch of Truth. Cato, god of war, burnt flesh with swollen, strangely discolored fake eyes. And the Alchemist, a bloodied remnant of a man on the floor.


Hello there Pirates,

I swear Aziz is the best. I, too, dream of strutting fashionably and kicking ass at the same time.

Love ya fam for showing my writerly self and this book love. <3


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