Chapter Fifty-One

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"No," I step forwards, Aziz shaking their head at me to desperately stop me.

The dice clatter to the ground.


Sol shudders, looks to the healing powers of her axe for a moment, and then looks up again. Nope, not dead. Just mildly annoyed. At least she threw the Minister to the ground, where he's coiled up like a python lounging in the sun. "You tried to kill me, you son of a bitch!"

I hold my hands out in front of me, feeling the incredulity from the Lunes. The curiosity on Kura's face. The sheer anger in Sol's.

I shrug, rubbing the newest tattoo on my collar, gained by the dice. "Worth a shot."

Kura starts making her way towards me, holding a blade. Not a friend any longer. I step back, my crooked fingers struggling to draw my own sword in answer. Damn, I wish it didn't hurt so much to just think about sparring.

Practice sure would've come in handy right now.

"No!" Aziz yells out, just as Sol turns back towards the Minister.

But something in their voice, a little extra suggestionin their plea. It makes everyone pause. Even the Lunes, who've been trying to sneak out the exit without success since Sol infiltrated it. "Why do you fight me?" Sol yells. "I'm trying to kill the wretch that experimented on living beings just to fulfill some nasty human ego trip!"

"Because revenge isn't what you really want." Aziz smiles. "It's love, isn't it?" Sol pauses, uncertain, nearly hypnotized. Aziz takes a step forwards, the first part of a dance. Body swaying rhythmically, almost effortless. Magnetic. Enthralling. Long hair flowing behind their birdlike neck. "A dream of a wife and a cottage and a library filled with scrolls with tea and honey cake overlooking a garden." A triumphant, ruby-lipped smile as Sol's jaw drops. "Yes, darling, I can just see your dreams now. Dreams of love. Of a family, one you keep trying to force out of bones and blood. But you have it all now. Kura. Your father."

I slow a bit on unsheathing my weapon. Maybe Sol will listen.

"Choose love, Sol." Aziz spreads their arms out in an almost sacred embrace. The observatory's silent. Maps and constellations glittering, painted atop in glorious swathes on the ceiling. The stage all set up for the final act. "Stop this futile revenge."

Sol nods empathetically, and then breaks the Minister's neck.

"Okay," she claps her hands to wipe the snake scales off them. "There's really no use in keeping a serial killer alive to prove some point. It's just common sense. I won't kill you, though, Lucky. Even if you did try to kill me." She shrugs, taking Kura's arm in hers, kissing the top of her bony palm. "Now I'll focus on love."


Sol and I stare at each other for a bit. Her, standing with her foot on the body of the Minister. The blue-haired woman weeping, begging for mercy. Kura, staring adoringly at Sol.

Me. Aziz. Emotionless. Unmoving.

Ah yes, Sol. Now it makes sense.

Two different people. Two different Champions.

At the end of the day, death was my goddess. Life was your god. But we disobeyed them both. I tried to call upon death, but death didn't listen. Because death was following you all along. Death was my master, but your pawn.

At the end of the day, Sol, I thought this was my story. But it wasn't just mine, was it?

No, at the end of the day, Sol, I was just a supporting character to your legendary story. A pirate who got lost at sea and became a good guy. A warrior who was all set up to become a hero, and instead, became a legend, bent on revenge. I thought I could change your nature, make you forgive.

That was my first mistake. At the end of the day, I was the one who was changed.

And you got everything you asked for. Your father back. Your love in your arms. Revenge and all. And me, I tried too hard to be a legend.

Instead, I'm just the supporting cast.

I break away from her victorious gaze, and head for the doors. Aziz, silently, follows.



That's my girl.


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