Chapter Forty-Nine

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In the center of the grand observatory hall of the High Lune University, the council members gather around two electrified cages. One holding the two half-skeletal monsters of Truth and Deceit. The other holding fast to Cato, silent and obedient. Ceasing his thrashing with the threat of being electrocuted all too-imminent.

The snake-skinned man and blue-haired woman. Bloodied from when Ali had let loose the creatures, allowed them to plow into the Lunes like lambs to slaughter. Aziz and I watch, just peering out from beneath the grate.

"Ophelia." The snake-skinned man helps the blue-haired woman onto the podium. Her metal arms hidden beneath her silky, mirrored robe. "It is not without great sacrifice we have brought these biological weapons to show the rest of the Lune council. We lost fifty fine soldiers and seven scholars trying to bring them to heel. But science prevails over brute force, as always."

Ophelia smiles, wiping blood from her lips and neck. "Sorry, we came as soon as we could from the laboratories to present our newest research. It's not our blood, if you were worried." Her smile flickers. "Councilmember Hiro passed in the sneak-attack. But his sacrifice will not be forgotten. We'll build a new wing in his honor, won't we Minister?"

Hiro, must've been that man with spikes in his head whom Ali had stabbed.

The snake-skinned man, the Minister, smiles. His forked tongue flicking. "Of course. And today, fine Council, we will present our newest creations." He bangs the cage of Truth and Deceit, the two of them squatting and hunched like humanoid beasts. Unrecognizable after how those surgeons had so twisted their flesh. "Strange specimens from Rahasia. The people there worship them as gods." He and Ophelia laugh together, prompting polite chuckles from the audience. "True, their healing capacity is unnatural prodigious. And their aging, almost supernaturally slow. But they can be bested."

Ophelia beams, taking the Minister's hand and lifting their intertwined arms together like victors of a tournament. "Thanks to the Alchemist's discovery, when combining all four elements together in their purest essential form, we can create materials stronger than even these creatures. Materials that can withstand their healing processes. And when implanted within their bodies..." She grins, lifting a lever. "Watch."

She pulls down on it, and Cato roars, getting to his feet.

The scholars scream.

Then Cato raises his hands above his head.

Copying the Councilmember Ophelia. She laughs. "Look. He's just like a giant puppet! The gods are dead."

The observatory erupts into raucous applause.

Aziz shaking beside me. "I can't do it." Their red eyes narrow in on my face, body shaking in fear. "These monsters can't be reasoned with."



Guess I'm going steampunk.


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