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I walked towards the living room where Helen and a few other people were watching Drunk History on the television. I went over and sat down near her.

"James." I turned to see Levi calling me, he was standing near the hallway with Noah beside him.

"Yeah?" I never really had a chance to talk to Levi so it was strange. He was tall 6'5 maybe, Noah was taller though. He had a similar build to Noah too.

"The Lunas going to be showing us our rooms, so come along." Levi said.

I got up off the couch and walked towards them, following them into the Kitchen.

"Hi! I'm Luna Tracy!" A tall blonde women said. She seemed to be pretty chipper too, "just follow me, ok."

She walked out of the kitchens side door, and we followed behind her. I guess my other pack memebers got the memo because they were by our side in a moment. We followed her towards a smaller home just a few yards away from the main pack House.

"You'll have to share rooms, sorry." Luna Tracy said as she was showing us around.

"Thats fine." Was all Noah said.

Luna Tracy left us to go back and finish preparing the packs dinner, but she let us know that we were more than welcome to go back to the pack house to grab a plate.

I walked into one of the rooms and placed my backpack onto one of the top bunks.

I didn't really want to head back to the pack house for dinner, Helen was nice and all but she wasn't my mate. I went into the kitchen and opened up the fridge and cupboards. There was food but I would have cook it.

I peeled potatoes and put them to boil. I then chopped up some ham and grated some cheese, along with grabbing other ingredients. I made enough croquettes for my immediate pack members, if they were hungry.

"Foods, ready." I called out. I hadnt really been paying attention to who stayed behind but after no one responded to my voice, I quietly ate alone. I covered the rest and went to take a quick shower. I had forgotten to grab my backpack so I had to walk back to my room in a towel. Luckily no one was here, and I got changed. I only put on some underwear and a tank top. It was pretty early, 9pm, but I needed to rest. I climbed up the bunks ladder and dried my hair before snuggling under the covers.


"Mommy! I didn't do anything I swear!" I was crying, trying to get my mom to help me.


"You didn't do anything!" A man said laughing,"your presence alone is frustrating."


"Mommy!" I cried out to her, holding my cheek.

My mom's new mate always gave me dirty looks, pulling my hair and pushing me around whenever he could. The reason, I was omega. Something my mom always said was what made me beautiful and special.

That was until my mom remarried. She did nothing whenever she saw me being mistreated by him. Why? Because he brought money to the house, he placed food on their table, he was my mom's new shot at happiness.

Wolves are blessed to have more than one possible mate. After my dad passed away, she had found her second chance at happiness.

During what was a routine border patrol my dad, was attacked while on duty. Ultimately dying. Though my memories of him are faint, he was more precious to me than my mom could now ever be.

"Mommy!" I cried again to try to get her attention. But she turned her back at me and that man gave me a bone chilling smile.

°°°°°°°°End of Flashback°°°°°°°°

My eyes shot open. It took me a while to figure out where I was. The smell of rosewood was comforting, Noahs soft snoring was coming from the bunk below me.

My pillow had a pool of sweat on it so I tossed it towards my feet. I really hated my childhood memories. I hated them even more when they haunted me at night.

It was still pretty early so I stayed on the bunk staring at the cieling. And taking in the smell of my mate. It was relaxing me more than anything else ever could.

I could hear the sound of birds chirping so I decided it was time to get up. I climbed down the ladder and went to the bathroom. When I came back everyone was still asleep. I reached for my backpack and tried to be quiet as I looked through it. I grabbed a pair of straight jeans and put them on. I then took off my damp tank top and put on a blue tshirt instead. I then grabbed my black windbreaker jacket and put it on. I grabbed a pair of socks and grabbed my Vans before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

Most of the croquettes that I made were finished but I reheated the remaining ones and ate them. I sat on the counter putting on my socks and shoes. And waited for my pack members to wake up.

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