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I waited a couple of hours for my pack to wake up. Alpha Sean wasnt suprised to see me awake so early.

I hopped off the counter to bow to him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning James, ready for today?" Alpha Sean said while he was making himself a pot of coffee.

I smelled my mate walking out of the bedroom and walk over to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I am. Have you decided whos group I would be in for tracking the rouges?" I asked Alpha Sean.

"You'll be with me." Noah said still half asleep. Like his dad he grabbed a cup of coffee.

I bowed to him before saying ok. And hopped back up on the counter. He didn't have a shirt on and his 8 pack showed along with the rest of his back muscles as he stretched his body out. He was so young yet so well built, I thanked the moongoddess for giving me such a beautiful piece of eye candy. He only had a pair of tan cargo shorts on with white converse.

After seeing his body for so many years I had learned to control my lust and kept myself composed by thinking that he was still a minor. Which was getting harder to do because he didnt look like a minor anymore. His 18th birthday was in 2 weeks, so I had to wait until then before even approaching the idea of being anything more than a pack member with him.

After everybody was up we went to meet up with the JadeCrest pack, we split into 10 groups of 3. I was with Noah and Levi.

Each group split up and we were to injure any rouge we came into contact with and bring back for interrogation.

Before heading off I ran back inside to get something from my backpack, I strapped a couple of Wolfsbane needles to my arm and went back outside. We shifted and ran into the direction we were assigned to. Noah taking the lead with Levi behind him and me taking the flank. After we were pretty deep into the territory I slowed my pace down and shifted back. Neither Noah nor Levi seemed to notice that I stopped running behind them. I needed to get a better view of the area so I climbed up one of the trees with ease. I was then jumping and climbing from branch to branch before I heard a low growl from Noah.

'Where are you?' I'm guessing he was trying to say. He was a bit worried, he probably thought I was lost.

I shook a branch causing leaves to fall. When he looked up, I waved down to him.

He eyes went wide with shock, it was unusual for wolves like us to be in the trees but thats how I learned to avoid rouges when I was younger by staying in the trees.

It's times like these that I wish I could mindlink with my pack members

I had been looking around and that's when I spotted it, a wolf made hole near the trunk of a tree.

I climbed down, to tell him what I saw. He really was impatient, he was pacing as I made my way down.

After telling him to stay here and what for my cue, I climbed back up. I started to jump to the branches east of where we were.

Stay back and stay covered, I had told him. I needed both Levi and Noah to stay back, if we wanted to capture a rouge I needed there smell to be far away. Since I was in my human form my smell wasnt as strong.

Noah sent me a growl from my suggestion. Him being an alpha meant that he didnt like getting orders from others.

When I was at a perfect distance I stopped and waited. And like I had hoped there he was, a rouge, walking back towards the hole. I readied myself before jumping down from the branch I was in.

Jumping down I sprinted towards the rouge. I managed to surprise him and tackle him down. Grabbing his neck in such a way that would cause him to black out.

Noah and Levi were there after I released my grip from the rouges neck. Before doing anything else I opened up one of his eyelids just to confirm that it really was a rouge, he was, his red eyes confirmed it. I grabbed a wolfsbane needle from my arm and felt around his neck for just the right vein. Many wolves think that just sticking a needle anywhere into the body was affective but it really wasnt. To get the best result of a weak wolf was to inject wolfsbane into a vein or artery along the neck.

I looked at my mate and I loved the look he was giving me. Like I was the most incredible person he's ever met.

"Well, which one of you is going to carry him back?" I looked between Noah and Levi.

Levi hesitated but shifted back and lifted the rouge onto Noahs back. After making sure the rouge wouldnt slip off he shifted back and they both started to walk toward the pack house.

"Wait." If I knew rouges then I knew that they usually carried around with them a backpack of some sort. I crawled into the wolfs hole and brought back out a large mountain climbing type bag.

I brushed off the dirt on my knees and hair before shifting into my wolf. I took the bag by my teeth and we continued to jog back, Levi taking the lead this time and I jogged along side my mate.

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