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Before we got to close to the pack house Alpha Sean and Alpha George met up with us.

Alpha Sean was already use to how I dealt with rouges but Alpha George was suprised and complimented both Noah and Levi on there success. I rolled my eyes. They took the rouge towards the cells and I dropped the bag at Alphas Seans feet before shifting back.

"Good work James." Alpha Sean told me and picked up the bag slinging it around his arms and onto his back.

I politely bowed.

"You're free to relax for the day, I'll let you know if I need more of your assistance." Alpha Sean said.

I walked back towards the small house we were staying at. I was tired, being omega meant I had a high endurance but since I wasn't offically mated to anyone I would get tired after a while because my mate would be the one to lend me there strength.

I unzipped my jacket and took off my sneakers before climbing into my bunk. I needed a nap.

I was awoken by my Levi shaken me.

"What?" I was napping so peacefully, so I was more than a bit cranky at being woken up.

"Alpha needs you, you were asleep so..." Levi tried to explain.

"Ok, I get it." I lazily got down the bunk and found my sneakers and jacket, putting them on.

"Well lets go then." I really just wanted to get whatever was going to happen over with.

I followed behind Levi and he took me to the cells.

I followed behind Levi and he took me to the cells

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There was only one rouge in the cells. The one who I had caught.

Alpha Sean met me and I politely bowed. He stared at my arm causing me to look down, the wolfsbane needles were still strapped to my jacket.

"I need you to decode a letter that was in the bag you brought back with you." Alpha Sean said.

"Sure." It happened by mistake the first time I decoded something for him. There was a letter on his desk and I had stared at it intensely because it was something that I remembered.

My father was a Beta in the pack I was born into. He was the one to teach me most of what I know about what it was to be a wolf. He also was the one to teach me about deciphering different rouge codes, Alpha Sean tried to get me to teach him how to decipher but I wasn't much of a teacher.

Rogues often are wolves who were thrown out of a pack for committing a haneous crimes. Anything from domestic violence to plotting against the alpha.

He hanged me a the crumpled letter and gave me a notebook and pen.

"You can work over there." He motioned to a desk near the entrance.

"Yes Alpha." It was a different code then I was used to. The rogues probably tried to change their coding. But I eventually figured it out.

I handed him back the decoded version.

"May I head back now Alpha?" I was getting tired again. I really needed to sleep.

"Yes, thank you James" He said while reading what I had decoded.

It basically gave the rogues a cordinate and instructed them to make camp. He would then have to wait further instruction. The letter was dated a few days ago.

Noah escorted me back to the small house. It was pretty nice just being around him. I normally stalked him from afar.

"Thank you." He whispered to me.

"For what?" I really didnt know what I did to be thanked.

"For guarding my throat, the other day." He shyly said.

This was new. He normally wasnt this reserved. I had always seen him as a boastful hothead.

"You're welcome."

"Your mate probably misses you."

I tried to laugh at his comment before telling him, "my mate hasn't found me yet."

He was quiet for a little while before he decided to talk again, "I saw your tattoo."

"Were you faking to sleep earlier?" I was shocked but I didn't mind.

"Sorry, you kept moving when you were asleep so you kind of woke me up. But I only saw that there was something printed on your back." He was cute trying to explain.

"Thats ok, I don't really mind that you saw it. " I kept my head low.

I got a large tattoo on my back when I turned 17. It took several appointments but when it was done I liked it. It was a large serpent going down my spine with several pink roses surrounding it. It was partially done with wolfsbane, otherwise the ink wouldn't have stuck. Anna was furious when I had shown her the end result, she kept going on and on about me being so reckless.

We walked into the small house together but I was to tired to talk any longer. Taking off my shoes and jacket, I climbed onto the top bunk and took a long nap.

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