Predaking x Autobot!Predacon!Reader (2/2)

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(And to anyone who's like "just buy lemonade during the winter if you like it so much" fuck you, they don't mAKE LEMONADE DURING THE WINTER IVE TRIED)
((I didn't mean to offend anyone please don't leave me I love all of you guys even if you don't like lemonade I like it enough for both of us it's fine.))
Requested by TheWerewolfshipper
Based off of tfp


After you and Predaking had officially become mates and were able to rest, you both flew together until you found a decent-sized cave for you to live in. It had been a few months since then, and currently you were cuddling on your nest of wool, hay, and large tree trunks around the edge to keep everything in one spot. You rolled into Predaking's side and groaned. "I'm hungry," you chirped softly to him.

He pushed you away and slunk back down. "Get energon then. I hunted for it, and you can go get it from one room over."

You hugged and stood. You went to move away but paused to nuzzle his jaw. "I love you," you sang teasingly before nudging his helm up quickly. He did a mix of a groan and whine and rolled over, huffing to himself.

"I love you, too. Now go get your energon and leave me alone."

You laughed at his sleepy tone before looking outside. The sun was rising in the distance and you knew why Predaking was being cranky. It was way too early to even exist yet. You turned and walked through a tunnel Predaking had made and saw your huge stash of energon. "Good thing Predaking can hunt really well," you muttered to yourself. "Or else we might be starving out here."

You grabbed a few pieces and ate them, happily chewing on the crystals. You ate a few before making your way back to Predaking. You moved around him and laid down in the curve of his body so that he was covering you. You wrapped your wings around him and he returned the favor, wrapping his around you and placing his helm in the crook of your neck. You smiled to yourself and pushed yourself even closer to him. You listened and felt Predaking's deep breaths until you found yourself asleep, peacefully dreaming along with him.

You woke up to Predaking standing up abruptly. You yelped and stood, stumbling from just waking up. You felt his anger and protectiveness through your bond. And became confused. His body was blocking your view, so you tried to move around him. "Predaking?" When you took a step away from the protection of his wings, he moved his tail to stop you. You froze, staring at the limb. "Predaking? Predaking, what's wrong?"

He simply growled at whatever was in the cave. You huffed in annoyance before you heard a familiar voice.

"Where's (Y/N), you beast!? I know you took her, now give her back or else—"

You chirped in happiness and quickly dashed around Predaking, spotting Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus in front of you. You ran over to Wheeljack and curled around him, purring. You had missed your favorite Autobot, no matter how much you loved being with Predaking. You nuzzled into his stomach and he laughed.

"(Y/N)! You're alive!" He hugged your helm and you smiled before freezing, pulling away. You tilted your head in confusion. Why wouldn't I be alive? Did something happen? "When Predaking took you I thought—"

You froze even more and stood, stepping back. Predaking did not 'take' you. You had left with him, willingly. You snarled a bit at the outright insult directed at your mate, but Predaking stepped forwards and wrapped his tail around yours. You turned and smiled at him as he nuzzled your cheek. You lent into the touch and crooned. "What—?"

"I think she left willingly, Wheeljack," Ultra Magnus cut him off. "I think it is best we leave, they seem alright where they are." You smiled in his direction and crooned happily. Finally, someone understood.

"But—But (Y/N), I—"

Suddenly next to you, Predaking transformed. You both had learned of your abilities not long ago but preferred your Predacon modes. They were more natural. "(Y/N) is fine where she is, Autobot. I suggest you leave. Now."

Wheeljack stumbled back in shock. "You—You can transform."

You transformed and stood beside your mate. "Are we not Cybertronian like you? Would it not be reasonable that we could transform as well?"

"Well, yes but—"

"But nothing," you stated harshly. You looked down and sighed. "I think it would be best if you left."

You saw Wheeljack go to argue, but Ultra Magnus held him back. "We will leave, Wheeljack. That's an order from your commander." Wheeljack snarled and went to argue with him, but Ultra Magnus glared at the wrecker. You heard him sigh and felt his stare on you. It lasted for a second before it was gone, and you heard him transform and drive away. You sighed and turned away.

"I am sorry for Wheeljack's outbursts. I wish you the best of luck," he paused to glance at you both. "Till all are one."

You smiled wistfully and looked up at him. "Till all are one."

Predaking looked between you in confusion as Magnus walked away, opening a groundbridge and teleporting away. "What does 'Till all are one' mean?"

"It's an Autobot saying. It basically means that the Autobots won't give up until there are no longer 'Autobots' or 'Decepticons.' Their goal is to all be just Cybertronian again. No labels attached." You explained while stepping closer. You transformed and Predaking followed your actions. You looked outside and saw that the sun was high in the sky. Predaking noticed it too and nudged you, smiling.

"Do you want to go for a flight? Just you and me?"

You smiled and nodded. "Sure, Predaking. Sounds relaxing."

You both took off into the air, doing lazy loops and twirls in the air. You flew around each other, gently bumping your wings together teasingly. You two would flick each other's tails, laughing as you made each other veer to the sides slightly. You had races on who could fly the fastest (which you won) and who could make the tightest circles in midair. You also had fun nose-diving toward the ground and pulling up at the last second. One time you swore you felt your talons graze the grass beneath you.

Overall it was a very fun day, filled with love and adventure as you explored the world around you.

That night when you and Predaking were preparing for bed, you lent into Predaking. "I love you, Predaking."

He paused his fluffing of the nest and turned to you. He wrapped a wing around your back and pulled you close. "I love you too, (Y/N)."

You purred in joy and nuzzled your helm under his jaw, something you did often to show your affection. He purred in response, the deep sound sending shivers down your spine. Predaking hardly ever purred, and it made you happy whenever you heard it. He noticed how your tail started to move back and forth and smiled. He loved making you happy. He loved seeing you happy, too. He'd do anything to please you. Anything. And he knew you would do the same.

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