The Dinner

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We sat in awkward silence for a while, only the sound of us eating filling the silence. Looking around, I noticed everyone looking down at their plates. I sighed inwardly, wondering if we were going get pass this.

"Elisia, you are legendary among the werewolf community. How did you get into fighting?" Leona asked, breaking the heavy silence.

Thank God for Leona. I wouldn't have been able to take another minute of suffocating silence.

"Elisia had always been strong, for whatever reason. It was only when she was 12 when she showed interest in fighting." Jay answered for me. He glanced my way, wearing a proud smile.

I didn't miss how at that moment, Theo's stormy blue eyes flicked between us before he resumed eating.

"I love fighting and everything that comes with it." I said, finding it hard to explain my passion.

Leona grimced and said, "Including all the injuries that come with it?"

I chuckled at that and shook my head, "Excluding that, but I usually don't let my opponent get a few blows on me anyway."

"Wow, you sound confident." Julian retorted, smirking at me. "Irene is pretty good, one of the best warriors in this pack."

I nodded at this, ignoring the uneasy feeling increasing within me. Jayden sent me a reassuring look, making me reply with a grateful smile. Again, not missing how Theo's eyes narrowed at me.

Julian must've sensed my uneasyness as he quickly said, "I didn't say that to intimidate you in any way. I was just stating the truth so you don't go easy on her or anything. The way she looks...well, it's easy to underestimate her."

"People underestimate Elisia on a regular basis. She resembles a doll, one you wouldn't want to break but in fact, she's the one who can break you." One of my pack members laughed.

"Irene is one of the best fighters I have had the honor of training."

Everyone stilled as they focused their attention on him. The first thing he says since he sat down, is to praise my opponent?

"She is an extraordinary warrior and deserves to win the upcoming fight." Theo carried on, making my jaw drop in disbelief.

How can he say that? I'm literally sitting next to him. His mate; the same person going up against Irene! I would've thought he felt a little worried that his mate will be fighting 'one of his best warriors'.

Jay slowly put his utensils down as he glared at Theo. "Elisia deserves to win this fight, she has never lost."

"Irene has never lost too." Theo replied cooly, not bothering to spare a glance at Jay.

I closed my eyes briefly, to calm my emotions. I, annoyingly, felt betrayed and hurt. I hate feeling this helpless and weak; it's a foreign feeling. Is there an off switch for these emotions or something? Does he really not have any feelings towards me?

"Well, she hasn't met me yet." I cut in, interrupting Jay's attempt to pick a fight.

Theo looked up slowly to meet my cold gaze. I steadied my gaze, making my dislike for him very clear. No one can make me weak, not even you.

One of my pack member laughed awkwardly before saying, "You speak highly of Irene, even a little lovingly if I may say. Is she your mate?"

I choked on my meat, making Jay stand up in concern. I noticed a slight smirk developing on Theo's face when I quickly glanced at him. Ugh. After promising Jay that I was fine, I carried on eating.

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