A Turn For The Worst

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Kobi was staring straight at me. 

I broke his gaze and looked down at my food, trying hard to not to flinch under his gaze. My gut twisted at the thought of him and Irene knowing that I was indeed an Alpha blooded wolf. 

"The tickets have been printed, I'll give them to you as soon as we're done eating." Julian said to Jay. "The flight is early in the morning tomorrow, so better get some sleep."

Leona smiled and said, "Tomorrow you will officially graduate college!"

I internally groaned at the fact that we had to travel all the way back to our state to attend his graduation, but the upside is that I'll finally be able to see Magnus and Kaitlyn after so long. 

We managed to get through the meal without Kobi mentioning the Alpha thing, but there were many instances when we'd make eye contact and he wouldn't turn away at all. I noticed he wouldn't talk as much as he used to, not that he was much of a talker anyway. The only time he joined the conversation was when Julian spoke about getting his first tattoo. It was obviously his area of expertise due to the really cool tattoo sleeve he rocks on his right arm. 

I managed to get upstairs to my room without any confrontation. I was brushing my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror, wondering how I'll fall asleep. My mind was racing at 190mph, my thoughts were jumbled and overwhelming to the point where I was getting a headache. 

A lot...had happened today. 

I obviously wasn't who I thought I was, and honestly, I've never completely felt like myself until today. What a weird day...

I found out that I'm an Alpha Blood, confronted Ms Williams, then realised that I can clear my father's name with that letter, told Leona all about it, found out the true story about what happened on the party night, Irene smelt my Alpha scent and Jay almost found out about everything. 

I couldn't help but wish that I had more time to talk to Theo about everything. It's so weird that our families knew each other, but under horrible and disgusting circumstances. Our family's history is intertwined but, unfortunately in the worst way possible.

I finished brushing my teeth, washed my face and did my usual skincare. I walked towards my bed and flopped onto it. I hoped that I'd sleep well enough so I don't feel and look dead tomorrow morning. 


"Why did you pack?" I asked, deadpanned at the luggage Jay had filled. We were going to come straight back as soon as the graduation's over so there's no point in packing anything other than your handbag.

He looked at me and then stared at his luggage before pushing it behind him. "What do you mean?" He asked innocently, whistling and walking away from it. I shook my head at him and laughed. 

We were up very early in the morning, at around five, getting ready to head to the airport. I had gotten ready earlier and came downstairs to meet the rest; two of our warriors as well as three BlackShadowed warriors were accompanying us on the trip. They were all ready and were chilling near the front door, waiting for Jay and I to arrive. 

To my surprise, I had come down before Jay and wondered what was taking him so long. I offered to go upstairs to his bedroom and see why he was taking his time. I glanced at his suitcase and chuckled, now I knew why. 

"Let's head down." He suggested while counting the tickets. We made our way downstairs and joined the rest in getting into the vehicles out front. I recognised one of the warriors to be one of the young fighters that I advised on my second day here; the strong one.

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