Chapter 13

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Tris P.O.V

I wake up with a terrible stomach ache. I look at the clock: 2:47. I put my hand on my Forbes's and its sticky. I take a deep breath and just lay there for a while.

It starts to get really hot so I toss the blankets off of me and they pile onto Tobias. I sit it up and try to decide if I'm gonna throw up or not. it sure feels like it.

Yes I am!

I jump out of bed and slam the bathroom door open,and lift up the toilet seat, I barf.

"Tris?" Tobias mumbles. I sigh and lean against the tub. Not feeling well. Tobias walks into the bathroom, still dazed from sleep.

"Are you Ok?"he asks crouching down next to me. I shake my head.

"I don't feel good." I say, letting a tear fall down my cheek. I've always hated being sick. And my stomach hurts and I have a terrible headache. He wraps me in his arms and I close my eyes.

I pull back super fast and vomit again. I feel Tobias holding my hair back and he is rubbing my back. "Are you done?" Tobias asks with a look of sympathy. I nod, my eyelids fighting there way to close. He picks me up and lays me back in he'd, without the blanket. For that I'm thankful. "Let me go get you something." he says. He walks into the bathroom and turns the water on.

When he comes out he has a wet wash cloth that's folded up and he sets it on my forehead. "Now try to go back to sleep." he says, kissing my cheek. I nod and drift off to sleep. 

When I wake up Tobias is gone. But he walks right into the room.

"Oh good your awake."he says sitting on the bed, by me.

"You up for breakfast?" he asks. I ponder this for a moment. "Sure." I croak. Woah. what happened to my voice?

We walk out of the bedroom and gasp at who is sitting in our living room.

Oh. Ok. So who will it be? Who should it be?




Tris mom

Tris Dad






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