Getting there

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Y/N's pov.
I was walking down the street when I realized some guy has been following me for a block. I decided not to panic, since he might just also be going to a police station at 8:30 in the morning. I call Charles and figure out the guy behind is part of the mob I had been investigating.
"Y/N! Where are you?!? Are you okay do you need help-" Charles rambled threw the phone.
"Charles I'm fine. I've have a guy tailing me from the mob I was investigating. I think I might have gone to deep." I respond.
"Okay we can figure this out. Don't worry we're on our way. You're our guest here."
"Charles!! Do not come here. All you need to know is in the case file on my desk." I interrupted.
"All right. I'll inform Captain he'll want to know. By the way Y/N if something does happen we will help you."
"I know. Thanks Charles. Bye."
Right before I hang up, I feel strong arms rap around me and something wet cover my mouth and nose. I tried screaming, but I quickly lost the strength to do so. My last thought before I blacked out was: "They'll come get me."

Charles pov.

"Guys Y/N just called." Charles said white as a sheet.
"Charles, what's wrong?"

Hiiiiiii! So how did you like it? Tell me please so I know how to make it better. Anyway I would love to hear all your lovely thoughts in the comments. I'll see you later. BYE!!!!
(P.S Tell me what you think happened to you I would also love to hear your theories. So tell me then!!)

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