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I hugged Y/N so hard. She returned the favour. "Can you never tell anyone I did that?" I ask Y/N. "No promises!!"   "So what did happen I don't remember much after seeing you?" Y/N thought for a moment. "You ran in and blocked the knife from hitting my chest. Then you wrestled with him, but he had a throwing knife on him. It hit me in the gut. After that I don't remember, I blacked out from blood loss I think. "   
"Oh. So, when will you be back in work?"  "I'll be at desk duty four weeks from now and I will be allowed back in the field six weeks from now."  "Okay. Well I better go and let other people see you." I turned to leave. "Rosa wait!" I spin back around looking Y/N in the eyes. "Thank you Rosa."    "Anytime."
I then turn and leave the room.

"You're a detective, eh"--Brooklyn 99Where stories live. Discover now