Chapter 40

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Taehyung POV

"Of course you have to go hyung! It's her graduation." I chased Yoongi around the dorm as he tried to escape me.

"She probably won't even want me there!" He yelled back obviously out of breath from how long I've been chasing him.

"You're like her big brother of course she wants you there." We passed the rest of the members who were waiting at by the front door. We had to leave soon for the airport if we wanted to catch our flight to California. Desperately I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his small body. "Please please please come with us." I pouted.

"Fine." He growled. "Let me go pack." I released him and skipped back to the rest of the group and waited with them.

(Y/n) was finally graduating from high school this week meaning we get to take her home very soon. Everyone, except Yoongi, was excited to see her. It's been so long we've all forgotten what it's like to live with her.

It only took him a few minutes to pack. Mainly because he only wears the same thing on vacation which is all black. We quickly ran out the door and went straight to the airport.

Luckily we were able to pass through our fans with not much trouble and got checked in quickly.

We'd be with her in no time.

(Y/n) POV

Mason and Misha were helping me pack a few of my many belongings. Soon I'd be living in Korea and would hardly come back here.

The realization of moving away had begun sinking in a few days ago. The three of us had gotten really close and I knew it would be hard to leave them. They made me promise I'd keep in touch with them and if I ever met Beyonce I had to send them each an autograph.

My room was almost completely packed away in boxes, there was still a lot to do which I was leaving for the boys when they come. My childhood room would soon be turned into a guest room for my parents friends. I'm glad my parents aren't that upset about me leaving. It would have been harder to leave if both them and my friends were sad about the move.

"Are you going to come to the after party?" Mason asked while throwing a bundle of my socks into a cardboard box.

"Probably not. You know I'll have the boys and I-"

"Come on! It will be your last chance to party with us." Misha frowned.

"Maybe." Her actions caused me to smile.

"You should just bring them along. They need a break too." Mason added.

My mind immediately tried to picture the scenario. The 8 of us would show up to the party and everyone would freak out. Girls would scream and cry, like usual, and then start to try and seduce them. Of course they're all too awkward to actually talk to girls so they'd keep to themselves.

Namjoon would drink a little bit and start swaying to the music by himself. Jimin would create a super concoction of all the drinks there and end up break dancing with the sober Hoseok in the middle of the dance room. Yoongi would drink too much, turn red, and then find a place to sleep. Jungkook and Jin would drink a fair amount and start to wrestle over food. Then Taehyung would drink because I would want to drink and seeing that the last time I got drunk I went on a rant about how amazing he was we'd probably end up making out in the middle of the party.

The whole situation seemed hilarious but they'd get eaten alive by the press if it happened.

"Maybe." I answered once again.


My hands swiftly ran across the bottom of my dress to smooth out my dress. I was able to block out the loud yells from the collection of fans behind me. The security guards were doing a good job of containing them. I stood directly in front of the gate exit waiting for the boys to arrive.

I had gotten the text that they landed a few minutes ago. They would be walking down this hall any second now.

I've been trying to think about how I'll greet Yoongi. We haven't spoke since and I'm sure it'll still be awkward between us. Maybe a simple 'hi' will be best for our situation. Or, maybe I should hug him along with the rest of the boys so they don't get suspicious. But I don't want him to get the wrong idea. God why is this so difficult.

"There they are!" A girl screamed from behind me. Catching my immediate attention my eyes focused in on the figures coming around the corner.

Jimin and Hoseok were the first to make their way towards me. By 'making their way' I mean full on sprinting. It definitely took me by surprise. Before the others were even halfway down the hallway their arms were already wrapped around me. They both pulled away and worriedly searched my body for any sign of harm.

"You're okay right?"

"You look better."

"I'm going to beat the crap out of Al-"

"Guys!" I interrupted them. "I'm fine." They gave me an unconvinced smile and started to hung be again. One by one the others joined in and my excitement became overwhelming. I looked over all of their faces and felt my heart speed up.

Almost in tears I ran and absent mindedly hugged all of them and kissed them on the cheeks. Before I could latch myself onto Yoongi, Hoseok stopped me and gave me a knowing look. Instead of the ecstatic hugs I gave the rest of them I gave Yoongi a quick hug, I could feel his hesitation before hugging me back.

With my hand interlocked with Taehyung's and Jin's arm wrapped around me like I was a kind of arm rest we made our way out of the airport and to the black van.

My normally quiet car ride had been replaced with everyone yelling and talking over each other. They were all asking me questions and pointing out things about my appearance.

It's nice to have them back.

A/N: How excited are you guys for the album. For me it's coming out at 2 am tomorrow so I won't be sleeping till I hear every song at least twice... Thanks for reading!! <3 <3 -M

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