Chapter 61

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"What do you mean you can't come!" I screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry honey but we didn't realize our passports were expired." My mother spoke gently. I continued to pace around the empty conference room, trying to think of a solution. "We can do something next time you're in California." She suggested.

"Why do you sound like this isn't a big deal? Your only child is getting married."

"Of course it's a big deal but there's nothing we can do about it."

"I'll talk to you later." I hung up before she could answer. Slumping down in one of the plush swivel chairs my mind jumped to 20 different thoughts. Everyone is coming to the wedding; a quarter of my graduating class, a ton of other idols and actors, and all the boys families. It's my wedding and my own parents won't even be there. Suddenly my phone vibrated.

New message (1):

Misha: Ice cream?

I smiled before responding.

Me: Of course, text me the address.

I jumped out of the chair and made my way to the dance rehearsal room. My entrance caused Taehyung to jump out of formation mid-dance and walk over to me.

"Everything okay?" He asked through his deep breaths.

"Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. I just wanted to tell you I'm going out." He smiled brightly.

"Okay but be safe, wear a mask." He kissed my forehead before going back to the song.

I waved goodbye to them all and then ran down to the entrance. There is always a car on call for BTS incase they need to go somewhere during rehearsal. Of course the front of the building was littered with fans which made it a little more difficult to go out in peace. As I approached the large glass doors I placed the mask over my face and threw my hood in place on my head. Usually the fans that wait out front are pretty respectful and won't crowd the boys when they walk out.

Some guards spotted me as I made my way to the door and came to stand beside me. As I walked out the fans yelled and I simply smiled and waved before jumping into the large black car. Giving the driver the address he pulled away from the curb.


It seemed like recently if I went out with just a hoodie and a mask that I wouldn't be bothered which has made it very nice to be able to go out with my friends. The ice cream shop they chose was small and hidden in the heart of Seoul. The interior was warm and inviting which is strange for a place that sells ice cream.

Spotting my two friends I skipped over to them and plopped myself down on the squishy bench.

"Good morning pumpkin." Mason said in a sweet sing-song voice.

"Pumpkin?" I questioned.

"Not you, the baby." He laughed.

"We ordered a big banana split to share, it should be out soon." Misha spoke.

A young man walked out from the back room with a big bowl of ice cream, spotting us he walked over and placed it down.

"Enjoy." He bowed and walked back to the front to help another customer.

Sitting before me was a giant bowl of different flavored ice cream topped with bananas and chocolate syrup. By the time I got my spoon unwrapped from the napkin Mason had sucked down half of a scoop of chocolate.

"I got a call from my mom this morning." I restarted the conversation.

"Oh yeah? I thought she'd be on the plane by now." Misha stuck her spoon into the dessert.

"Nope. My parents aren't coming."

"What!" They said in unison. I nodded.

"Their passports are expired." I placed my spoon down, slowly losing my appetite. "The worst part is they don't even seem upset about it." They took a second to free their mouths of food.

"Babe." Mason started. "Who needs them. When have they ever been there for you?" I stayed quiet, thinking about his words. "No matter what it's still going to be the most bomb wedding ever."

"Especially with us as co-maids of honor." Mish raised her hand up for Mason to high five. Their enthusiasm began to cheer me up.

"Thanks you guys." I finally built up the strength to eat a spoon of our food.

"Wait." Misha added. "Who's going to walk you down the aisle?"

"I guess I'll have to walk by myself." I shrugged. It's not like this wasn't the first time I thought about doing it.

"An independent woman, I like that." Mason agreed.


After completely filling up on ice cream and watching Mason devour almost half of the bowl I ordered 7 cups of the boys favorite ice creams to go. As I walked up to the rehearsal room I could hear them talking, a sure sign that their in the middle of a break.

"I brought ice cream!" I announced, they all ran to me like children. Their 'thank you's got jumbled together as they all spoke at once and returned to the center of the room to sit on the floor.

"Where's Yoongi?" I asked, still holding his treat.

"Bathroom." Jungkook mumbled from under his bucket hat.

Suddenly the door opened and Yoongi walked in. His face lit up at the site of the foot and he waddled over to take his place next to me in the circle.

"Do you want a bite?" Tae stuck his spoon in my direction.

"No I already ate a ton." I rubbed my stomach. Suga scoffed.

"You should really start eating healthier, it's bad for the baby-" He continued off on a tangent about health and whatever else he said, I wasn't really listening.

"Yoongi," I stopped him.


"Will you walk me down the aisle tomorrow?"

A/N: Heyo pals thanks for reading another chapter of this story. Just a heads up once they go on tour the story will speed up quiet a bit because there's not much to write about there. Whatever I do write I'll try to make it extra entertaining!! Thanks again! <3 -M

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