Chapter 28

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I was shocked, my heart thundered in my chest to see the one who called me his everything, who stole my first kiss, kissing someone else, Britta my worst enemy.

I shouldn't be hurt this way because it was meant to happen all along, it was too good to be true, I was being stupid to try putting my walls down.

He looked up noticing my presence, his face was blank of all emotions while Britta had a satisfied smirk on her face.

I should walk away from this, but my body was stiff, confused, and bewilder.

" if you don't mind could you close the door when leaving, because we are busy here" she snickered.

I walked out with my remaining pride. I trudged slowly towards my room feeling my heartbreak with every step I take away from my mate.

"Why did you leave the room just like that?" Tiara yells angrily at me.

"what were you expecting me to do ?" I ask laying down on my bed tiredly.

"you can't just let that whore take what ours" she growled.

I snorted at are words" he not ours, he made that clear by kissing her"

Before I could understand what was happening Tiara pulled me into the back of my mind" Tiara you can't do this, let me have control " I yell trying to get control of my body.

"Ma I need your help, Taira is about to do something stupid " I mind link getting frustrated by Taira, I have never had difficulty in getting control back, but right now I am losing my strength the more I try the more she gets stronger.

Ma came rushing into my room looking worried "Kate are you ar---" she stops looking at me in shock, eyes wide and mouth open.

I know the reason she like that, It is not good sightseeing my eyes blood red with long fangs, long claws with a white hairy body.

"what going on Kate ?" she asks warily carefully walking towards me earning growl a from Tiara.

"Tiara is tr-trying to g-gain con-control? " I say my voice coming out raspy.

"what going on ?" she asks with confusion clear in her eyes.

"can you ask this question later " I yelled frustrated with what happening.

"Okay, I will lock the door while you try to hold her in," she says leaving the room in light of speed.

I heard the click of the door to signal it lock.

I sigh tiredly forcing my leg into the bathroom " I need a cold bath" I mumbled.

I strip out of my clothes and get into cold water.

I woke up in the bathtub feeling the water warm on my skin.

I let the water drain before walking out of the bathroom with a tower warped around myself stopping in front of a full-length mirror of the closet.

"Kate you can't let him get to you" I muttered to myself looking at myself closely in the mirror" you are a very strong woman, so, hold it in there"

"stop giving yourself a pep talk and do something to show him he missed out" Tiara suggest.

"what do you mean by that," I ask confused.

"let dress up sexy to make him feel jealous," she says proudly.

"yeah let do this, but come to think of it I never knew you were this smart," I say taunting her.

"say what you want" she scoffs.

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