Chapter 16: Farewell, Difursity

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Peter Moosebridge and Fabienne Growley appeared on the news the next day with much more pleasant news. For the first time in a while, they both had smiles on their faces.

"Good morning," Fabienne purred, obviously excited about something in today's news. "Well, it turns out that our government isn't as heartless and corrupt as many of you thought. After yesterday's historic events in front of the Governor's Palace, authorities have arrested well-known prey supremacy activist Jonathan Flanell this morning. He has been charged with bribery of government officials, inciting riot, destruction of private property, homicide and hate crimes too numerous to mention here. The arrest comes on the heels of an incredible speech by a mysterious young lady who calls herself Gazelle."

Fabienne's moose co-anchor nodded with approval.

"Indeed," he agreed, "after her spontaneous speech and song on live television yesterday, the ten thousand plus animals assembled at the Governor's Palace completely reversed their opinions. Authorities, we have been told, have also confirmed that David Bellwether has resigned from his position as Governor of the State of Animalia, and was last spotted at the border patrol station at Old Fortress, heading into Kleinwald. It is unclear if the Council will press charges against the governor, who is suspected of being involved in several of the PSL's actions."

"In an emergency meeting of the Court of Democracy," Fabienne added, "State Secretary Liger Woods was sworn in as governor this morning and gave an address on the situation of the past few weeks, uncovering evidence that the PSL have been running a massive political machine. The new governor said, quote, 'Our state was founded on the belief that all animals, young and old, male and female, predator and prey, are created equal in the sight of the Creator. But our fear has all but purged those beliefs from the capital; what was once the heart of democracy and the heart of freedom. Therefore, as of this day, T.A.M.E. Industries and all of their subsidiaries, have been shut down and all collars outlawed.'"

"After Gazelle's speech was caught on live television beamed across the state," Fabienne went on, "the talented young lady has been given, by popular request, a recording contract from the CEO of Real Records, a Zootopia-based studio that caters to indie artists. The studio claimed that it was 'the least they could do for such a proficient citizen.' We actually got ahold of young Gazelle and let her say a few words. She said, and I quote: 'I'm honored beyond words to accept this, and I just never really expected this. I don't know what to say except thank you."

"Well," Peter commented, "she may not know what to say, but she more than obviously knows what to sing."

* * *

The hustle and bustle of the week following Real Records' generous gift was nothing short of draining to the entire group.

A whirlwind of activity, from packing all of Gazelle's belongings to triple checking to make sure that they had all given her last hugs and goodbyes, exhausted all of them. They rushed around the apartment, gathering Gazelle's clothes, food, toiletries, etc., everything necessary for her journey to her new home.

And, since they were losing their star singer, the group went about dealing with the loss in different ways.

Jon, Dylan and Cole gave Gazelle some extra lessons on the dubstep pads and drums (Cole even admitted that she held a lot of talent, for someone who hadn't placed her hooves on those pads all that often in her life). Britt and Gazelle together put together a pair of bracelets with a children's' jewelry-making kit they found in the storeroom, to remind each other of their friendship. Solomon cried into his chainsaw when he thought no one was looking.

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