1~ A Quest for the Princess

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~Kiera's POV~

I let out a small sigh, letting my gaze make a round around the large table I was currently seated at. My eyes took in every detail as I was taught to do by my tutors. I recognized some of the people here, but I never did bother to remember anyone's name.

I was currently at some sort of meeting that included the kings and queens of the five kingdoms and realms. In all honesty, I didn't want to be there at all. Too many people for my liking. However, my father, the king, made me stay at this blasted meeting.

I could only assume that he was planning on finding a suitor for me to marry.

So, of course, I would do everything in my power to make sure that such a thing didn't happen. I had just turned 18, after all. I wasn't ready to be married quite yet.

Especially to a man I barely knew.

Also, I wouldn't enjoy the marriage in the slightest, for I was about a straight as the golden globe that I kept in my room.

Do you see my problem now?

I tensed slightly when one of the princes walked up to me, face smiling but eyes showing an entirely different intent. I remained emotionless, giving him a blank stare even as he brought my left hand to his lips and kissed them. My hand dropped back to my side once he was done, and I wanted nothing more than to leave the room right at that moment. 

"Hello, princess Kiera Fade of Craesia. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," He started off the conversation formally and dropped into a bow. 

I dipped into a curtsey in response, holding only a small part of my dress in my right hand and bowing my head slightly. Once I straightened back up, I spoke, "The honor is mine, prince Vossler Zul of Shojan."

Thanks to my studies, I could at least remember his name for formalities. 

His smile widened, but it did nothing more than to make me more tense and uncomfortable. My hand itched slightly toward the blade that I kept hidden and strapped to my side. Something just felt very off about him. 

It could just be the history between our kingdoms, hower. You see, Craesia and Shojan were at war with each other for over 100 years before my father came into power. He single-handedly stopped the war about 4 years ago now and we have been at peace with them ever since. 

Some of our townspeople do not appreciate the peace and still feel as if they're not to be trusted. I feel the same way even though my father assures me that everything is going to be alright between the two kingdoms. 

Speaking of my father, he came walking up to the two of us, my mother coming with him. They both put on their best and finest linens, most likely to impress the other kingdoms. I myself had dressed up for the occasion, not wanting to disappoint either of my parents. 

I had a simple white gown with golden designs laced throughout the dress. The sleeves reached about to my elbows and fanned out from there. My make-up was light and my jewelry was only a diamond hair clip and a pendant that my grandmother gave to me before her untimely death. 

Smiling at my parents as they approached, I gave each of them a small hug once they had arrived. 

Prince Vossler bowed out of respect before giving my parents the same smile that he had shown me only a few moments before. I shivered involuntarily at the sight. Something was very wrong about him. 

"Kiera, darling, how are you faring?" My mother asked, detaching herself from my father's side. Her hands clasped around mine and her eyes shone brightly with happiness and mirth. 

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