2~ The Candlelit Ceremony

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It was painful to hear the screams of my people, but they soon faded into nothingness as we rode farther and farther away from town. 

Madison rested against my chest, their breathing calming me down some.

"General Belmont?" I asked, slowing the horse to a trot. 

"Yes?" She responded, slowing down slightly but not by much. 

"Where are we going, exactly?"

She hummed, "Far, far away. We're going to have to find a new place to settle for now. Any civilizations could be dangerous for you."

I could only nod. 

"Another question, general."

She gave a quick glance in my direction before facing the road once more, "And what might that be, princess?"

"What happened to my parents?"

The general suddenly jerked on her reigns, startling her black stallion. She pet his mane to calm him down, apologizing profusely. She turned her attention back to me, eyes shining with some unknown emotion. Probably pity.

"I don't know, princess."

I sighed at the vague answer, "And one last thing. Please, just call me Kiera. It would bring me some comfort to not be called 'Princess.' And it would draw less attention."

The general laughed, "Of course, Kiera. And, if that's the case, I insist that you call me Brianna instead of 'General Belmont.' It makes me feel older being called General."

"It would be an honor, Brianna," I said, letting her name roll off of my tongue. 

We shared the next few hours of riding in silence, the only sound being from the creatures of the forest and Madison's light breathing. 


After about 8 hours of riding, I got the feeling that something was wrong. It was officially night time and something about the woods felt off. 

My fears were proved when a large creature came running out of the forest, successfully scaring the horses. 

I fell to the ground with a dull thud, taking Madison with me. 

The general- Ah, Brianna- was also left without her steed. Luckily for the three of us, we didn't have the horses carry our belongings, so we still had all of our supplies. 

"What an unfortunate stroke of misfortune," I stated, standing up and wiping off any dirt that might have gotten on my clothing. 

"Nn..." Madison groaned, rubbing the back of their head, "What was that?"

"A werewolf, I presume. It must have been awfully hungry to attack our horses..." Brianna responded, eyes searching through the dark forest. 

"Werewolf?" Madison asked, terrified at the thought.

Brianna nodded in response.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked, not seeing what we could do without horses. 

"I'm not sure," Brianna spoke. 

Then, Madison spoke up, "Well, why don't we check out the light over there and see if there's something that could potentially help us."

"Light?" I questioned, not seeing the light they were describing. 

"Yeah, over there, between the trees."

Sure enough, there seemed to be a light source shining through the tree leaves and vines. 

"Well, I don't see why not," Brianna said, bringing out her sword, "Follow me."

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