3~ Rescuing Madison, I Guess

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~Brianna's POV~

I followed Lilly as we made our way into the building, which I recognized to be an old army base. We quietly made our way through many rooms, checking to see if any of them had Madison inside. So far, we had made no progress in our search. 

I paused when I saw Lilly hold a finger to her lips and point to the wall opposite of where we were now. She wanted me to be quiet? What for? Instead of questioning her any further, I followed the direction of her finger and took my place on the other wall. 

Lilly stealthily approached a metal door which I now noticed had light seeping through the cracks. 

She glanced at me and nodded her head once, pointing to the other side of the door. She then pointed up and I saw a pair of metal pipes, just low enough for one person to reach them if another held them up. 

Ah, I see. She wants to climb across the pipes and needs me to help her reach them. She is rather short, now that I think of it. 

I knelt down from where I was at and Lilly quickly walked over to me. I held my hands out in front of me and when Lilly approached, she stepped on them. I let out a low grunt and pushed up on the other, lifting her up high enough to reach the pipes. 

Once Lilly was up, I took her spot by the door. What I didn't expect, however, was when she didn't land on the other side and instead went through the vents. 

A moment later I got a signal coming from my walkie talkie. 

We can send messages on this, just so you know.


Roger that


Okay, when I message you the signal, you're going to bust in this room, sword blazing. I'll hop in through the vents and we'll attack every hostile in there together. 


Understood. Do you think Madison's in there?


I don't think. I know.


Right... Message me when you're ready. 


I didn't get a response for a minute after that, so I held the device in one hand and my sword in the other, ready for a fight. 

Now that I was listening, I could hear voices inside of the room. 

"When is she going to wake up, boss?"

"Don't ask questions. All we were tasked to do was get the girl and bring her to Shojan."

"Yeah, but I don't exactly understand why. You didn't tell us that part of the job."

"Gods, you're so nosy. Fine. Rumor has it that this girl is the princess of Craesia, so we're here to give her to the Shojan empire."

"Alright!" A drunken voice slurred, "Why don't we have a bit of fun with her then, eh boss?

The 'boss' seemed to chuckle, "Maybe tomorrow, boys. Before we deliver her, that is."

My body shook from anger. I gripped my sword tighter, even more ready to kill everyone in that room. 

The device in my hand buzzed and when I looked down, one word was all it took to burst in that room. 


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