Anemone (part 2)

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She pushed her head backwards and let out a loud sigh as she shut her eyes. Three days. She has three days to pay up something she hasn't been able to pay in nine years. How was she going to do that? Where would she get all that money from? The last little money she had went into paying the lawyer she got for her mother's case.

Yes, she could have gotten a public lawyer for free for her mother but she wanted the very best. She wanted someone she was sure, who would win the case over. She wanted the best for her mother besides... Her being in there was all her fault in the first place. She had sworn never to rest until she got her mother out of her present predicament; but now, Trent was asking for his money.

Back then, Trent was the biggest loan shark on the block and gave money to almost everyone that promised to pay back. His taking back was as generous as his loaning out. He was a devil in the disguise of an angel when needed. Unfortunately, back then, her mother was buried in bills upon bills and her indecent job did little to pay up what needed. Trent was an angel that rescued her time without numbers but after her mum went to jail, the debt needed to be paid fell upon her.

For years, she carried the burden upon her shoulders but never complained. How could she, when her mum did the same for her? It became her duty but she never gave up on schooling. She loaned money from the bank, if possible, to pay her school fees. Now, she was done with school but her life still sucked pretty much as it did back then. It was one part time job upon the other; doing anything and everything to survive.

"I can do this." She assured herself, as she soothed the back of her neck with her hand which had begun to ache due to the day's stress. This was something she told herself each time she felt like she was about to give up.

She immediately put on her helmet; realising time was running out for her. She started up the scooter and soon after was on her way back to the shop, probably to pick up another delivery.

* * *

Enrico pressed the right numbers on the small squared sized machine built to the wall beside the door into his penthouse. A ding sound emitted in acceptance of the password before he took hold of the door handle and pushed the door to open. He got in, shutting the door behind him, before he turned to his right side and took off his shoes to put on a pair of grey open-heel slipper.

He took off his jacket as he walked towards the sofa barely sparing the entire penthouse a good look. His head remained bowed. He was so tired that he barely noticed a thing. He slumped on the white sofa and brought his legs up to rest on the center table made out of glass.

He sighed tiredly before lifting his head up, so it was resting on the headrest of the sofa and his view was in an upside down state. He could see the kitchen counter from where he was. He stared at it for what seemed like ages before his brows slowly furrowed. He lurked his eyes left and right before slowly setting his head straight and getting a thorough scan of the entire place.

"Urgh! She did it again!" Enrico exclaimed with the look of annoyance written across his face.

He slumped his head back to its former position. He was crossed with his mother. He was sick and tired of her coming into his home and setting everything different from the way he left it. He hated it. He could have gotten a maid to clean up all the time, but he wasn't a fan of letting people into his home, especially strangers. He preferred to keep everything to himself. His eyes lurked left and right once more and he couldn't help noticing how clean everything was. Almost everything was made out of white and grey. The very two sophisticated looking colours that set everything looking all tied up. The glasses were well polished and he could see his reflection in them. It was so clean that everything seemed to sparkle in his eyes. He resided in a big penthouse high up on the roof of the building, which now felt so quiet. So quiet that he could hear his own breathing resounding through the walls. He hated it.

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