Orchid (part 2)

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"Okay, I understand. Thank you for everything." She appreciated with a little sense of sadness in her voice before putting the receiver down to where it belonged.

Thereafter, she let out a sigh. She sat still for what seems like ages staring into space. Recollecting the conversation she just had a few seconds with the lawyer, Kiana shut her eyes to control her tears. She opened them once more as she sniffed. This wasn't the time to cry and it definitely wasn't the right place, yet she couldn't help feeling like actually doing that. She just got off a call from the lawyer handling her mum's case. 

Apparently, her mum was becoming a lot to handle. She refused to cooperate and the lawyer just called to let her know she couldn't do this anymore. Another time and money wasted all for nothing. She couldn't help thinking why her mother has made it a sole purpose to make all her efforts useless. She was determined to die in that very jail, but Kiana wasn't ready to let her do exactly that. If she had her way, her mum would have been out a long time ago. Appealing her case once more at the court hasn't been easy, especially with a record like her mum's. It was all becoming too much, but Kiana just couldn't give up. No matter what, she just can't let go. She was going to get a new and much better attorney, who was going to help her get her mum out of prison once and for all. That was exactly what she was going to do.

"Kiana!" She heard her name, so she immediately shifted her eyes to the direction of the voice.

Her colleague stood right in front of her desk staring at her with a little worry in her eyes.

"Macy." Kiana managed to pronounce as she tried her best to put up a warm smile.

"Are you alright, Kiana? I've been calling you for a while now. You seem lost in thoughts. What's the problem?" Macy asked, quite worried.

Kiana puts up another warm smile as she slightly sits up on her seat right behind her desk.

"I'm fine. Perhaps, a little distracted, but I'm okay. Do you need anything?"

"Do I need anything?" Macy repeated and let out a light chuckle.

"Kiana, look over there." She stated as she pointed a finger to her left. Kiana's eyes followed and only stopped when she took notice of the weather through the transparent glass.

She let out a silent sigh. She had been so occupied that she barely noticed the fact that night was slowly engulfing the day. Kiana shifts her eyes back to her colleague, who stared her quite inquisitive. Kiana let out a light chuckle.

"I must have been so occupied that I failed to notice the fact that the day was over." She explained and Macy nodded her head while her eyes remained on her.

"Yeah. I think you're the only one at this office who doesn't pray for the day to be over, so we could just go home already. Speaking of home, aren't you leaving yet?" Macy finally arrived at her main question.

Kiana took a slight look around and realised the other employees were starting to head home one by one. Soon enough, the entire office, or better yet, the building will be empty. She took a look at the time on her mobile phone. It was approximately thirty minutes past six in the evening. Kiana recollected the fact that she had another job to attend. She had taken last night and this night off her job at the pizza place she worked, but she decided to take up the night shift at the hotel, so she just couldn't go home yet. Speaking of home, she also recalled the fact that she worked for Enrico. She had so much to do in one night. As a maid, it would be proper for her to clean up his home and set up dinner before he gets back. That too would require some time. Thinking about it all, Kiana understood she had so much to do in one night. Her part time jobs were easier when she didn't have a steadfast office work, but then, she does and it only seems right for her to let go of one. She would never be able to meet up with all of it.

"Kiana." Macy called once more and Kiana looked up to her.

"You blanked out once more. Seriously, what's bothering you so much? You're always stargazing. Do you need help? Is something wrong?" Macy asked, worry filled in her eyes once more.

Kiana put up a warm smile. It felt nice to know someone cares about her, but she just couldn't depend on Macy. Her problems were too much to push unto someone else. She just couldn't lean on anyone for help.

"I'm fine. Well, I just can't leave yet. I have something to do and besides, Mr. Vos is still in." She gave a sensible explanation and hoped it was enough to set Macy on her way home.

Macy stared for a while before putting up a smile.

"Fine. If you say so. Don't stay up too late. I'll see you tomorrow." Macy added before giving a light wave. Kiana nodded in accordance as she waved back then watched Macy walk away.

Once Macy was out of sight, Kiana let out a sigh she had no idea she held back in. She slightly turns to take a look behind at the door into Enrico's office. Eventually, she turns away from the door. Things hadn't gone so smoothly today. He was awfully cold to her, ignoring her every gesture. He spared her no glance or took part in their usual exchange of words. Honestly, it bothered her a lot. Perhaps, he wasn't himself.

Could he have fallen ill?

She wondered, but that was all she could do, wonder. Suddenly, she sneezed, covering her mouth in the process. Actually, her cold wasn't entirely gone. She hadn't taken her drugs since the last time she took them, which was the moment Enrico helped her have them yesterday. Perhaps, a lot went on in her mind and it skipped her thoughts to actually have them. She coughed a little. Okay, her cough still lingered around as well, but at least it seldom occurred. A few sneezing, coughing here and there but overall, she strongly believed she was better.

"You really don't care, do you?" Kiana instantly turned behind at the sound of Enrico's voice.

At first, his eyes remained on her but then he looked away and unto anywhere else but her. Kiana let out a light sigh as she stared at him for what seemed like a while before shifting her eyes somewhere else. She wondered a little about the possibility of him stepping out of his office, yet she heard not even a sound.

"I'm talking to you, am I not?" He asked as he noticed her attention getting distracted. She instantly lifts her eyes back to him.

"I'm pretty sure I got you some drugs yesterday. Where are they?" He asked and waited for a reply, but all he got was her lurking her eyes left and right before pushing her chair backwards a little then getting up to her feet.

"I... I forgot it in my room." She spoke up without staring him in the eyes. Guilt filled her.

Enrico stared at her for what seemed like forever before letting out a light chuckle.

"You forgot it?" He repeated, now staring directly at her. She found the courage to raise her eyes to him.

"Yes." She replied. Enrico stares silently for a moment as any trace of amusement varnished from his face.

Kiana could see how serious he had suddenly become. It kept her on edge a little. Was he mad at her? Sure, he's supposed to be. After all, he bought those drugs for her with his own money. Anyone in his place would be infuriated by her lack of gratitude.

"Why do I even bother?" Enrico stated in a sigh, before taking steps further and right past her.

"Are you leaving, sir?" Kiana quickly asked and he came to a halt on his intention of walking away. He slightly turned to her. Kiana looked away for a moment, feeling a little tinge of guilt.

"Why? Do you have a date to attend right after I leave? Oh wait, don't answer that. I forgot the fact that I actually don't care. Do whatever you want with your life. Just stay out of mine." He coldly retorted before walking away giving her no chance to reply.

She watched him walk away and eventually out of sight. Soon after, she let out a sigh. Enrico was still angry with her. Perhaps, the best was for him to treat her this way. It made it less awkward and he could finally let off some steam. In addition, this was one way for her to atone for her sin.

She slumped back on her seat.

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