4. Bluebell

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Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.

by Albert Einstein.

Enrico walked towards his office with one hand buried into the pocket of his trouser. He nodded his head to the greetings of the employees and flashed a few smiles at intervals. On drawing closer to the door into his office, he realised the seat meant for his P.A, which had been vacant for days now, seemed to be occupied. Enrico slightly furrowed his brows as he caught a glimpse of who it was. He should have known. He should have remembered but he got caught up in trying to block out his thoughts from his mind that he forgot the next problem that faced him this very day.

"Good morning, Mr. Vos." A lady greeted with a broad smile as she walked past him.

Immediately, Kiana raised her head from the position in which she had it bowed, staring at something under her newly owned desk. She caught sight of Enrico as he nodded to the employee, reciprocating the smile she flashed at him. He turned away from the employee and back to his new P.A. Kiana felt frozen as they stared at each other for a moment, before he eventually looked away and decided to hasten his steps towards his office.

"Good morning, sir." Kiana greeted, as she quickly got up to her feet before he could walk past her.

Suddenly, he came to a halt; a part of him surprised by her greeting. He knew he shouldn't be but her calling him sir didn't quite settle. He wasn't used to it. He never expected it. Yesterday, he had given Lisa her name without thinking clearly of the consequences. Even now, he couldn't tell exactly what he was really up to. Did he sincerely give her the job because she was capable, or did he do so to rub it in her face at how great he had turn out? He wasn't quite sure but one thing he knew was that time would eventually tell.

He took a one look at her before marching forward into his office.

She sighed before having her seat once more. She hadn't realised just how much she held her breath. She didn't want to give him any course to worry or complain and so he made sure to come to work as early as possible. She wanted to show him just how efficient she could be and she was glad she did.

Lisa had welcomed her and shown her to this very seat which she sat on. She talked a bit about the company and eventually handed her a few things she had held onto, which only his assistant needed to have. Lisa had her own position at the company and handling the assistant job for a few days took a strain on her, as she had begun to serve two masters at a time. She stated just how happy she was that Mr. Vos now has a new assistant. His last assistant resigned as she needed to move to another country for personal reasons.

Kiana didn't want to sound greedy but perhaps, she had to thank his old assistant for leaving her job and giving her a chance to find this job. She wouldn't deny the fact that her salary from this very job is going to be way better than what she was ever paid from her part-times. She would just have to lay low and quietly do all that her new boss says. She admitted to the fact that seeing him everyday wasn't going to be easy for her to deal with and she could only imagine that the same feeling applies to him, but of course, much worse.

Her face slightly squeezed in pain before she reached down to her shoes. She soothed the back of her ankles to lessen the pain she was feeling, without having to take off her shoes.

* * *

He let out a sigh as he threw his head backwards to rest on the headrest of his chair. He couldn't concentrate on his work. It hadn't always been this way for him. Yes, his mind wasn't always with him but it didn't actually wonder off this far. How could he concentrate when the woman who broke his heart was sitting steps away from his office and she was now his assistant? What was he thinking when he hired her? He needed to get it together.

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