21. Poinsettia

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When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
by Jess C. Scott

They stepped out of the restaurant one after the other, chatting as they went on.

"Kiana." Nicolas called, as he rushed out through the door in order to catch up with her. They all stopped upon hearing his voice. They turned to take a look and that's when he walked up to them. They each took a look at Kiana with an amusing smile on their faces. Kiana barely looked their way, uninterested in their facial expression. She took in a silent deep breath, as she watched him walk up to them and finally stop in front of her.

"Can I speak to you for a minute?" He asked and while Kiana killed time in giving a reply, Macy made the decision to save it instead.

"We'll meet you at the office, Kiana." She proclaimed and Kiana gave her a serious look. The look that read 'don't-leave-me-here', but Macy played the game of pretence. She gave a broad smile to both Kiana and Nicolas before walking away with the two other women.

Kiana cursed within her as she was left to face Nicolas. For some reason, she wasn't feeling very good about speaking to Nicolas. The first time they met once again, she truly believed it was a one-time thing, but for him to turn out to be the chef, who works at the restaurant Macy chose to drag her along to, she didn't know what to make out of the situation anymore.

Slightly looking up to Nicolas, she gave a brief smile.

"So... you're a chef." She stated the obvious, which clearly was a conversation starter for her. If they were going to talk, they best get on with it already.

He nodded with a smile on his face.

"I know, it's really not what anyone who knew me would expect."

"Perhaps, but I'm not saying it's a bad job. Actually, the food tasted really good." She added, hoping it would cover her earlier comment. She hadn't meant to sound like being a chef wasn't a great work.

"Really?" He asked with a simple smile on his face, while his eyes rested on her. Kiana took in another deep breath.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Great. I've been told most women find a man who can cook quite sexy, so perhaps that's why I'm here." He quoted before letting out a light chuckle, hoping it amused her as well, but she barely steadied her smile.

Nicolas noticed the discomfort on her face, in her eyes before she slightly looked away. He let out a light sigh.

"Kiana... I know and I understand what we had in our past makes you uncomfortable seeing me here in the present." He started and she had to lift her eyes back up to him.

"But that's it... That was the past and the person in front of you is a new Nicolas... it was never my desire to have troubled you the way I did. It's just that... you always got in the way between Tyler and I, so I kind of hurt you as well. I'm sorry and I sincerely hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me." He stated much to her surprise. She stared at him for a while, before looking down away from his face.

"Wow." She commented in a sigh, before raising her eyes back up to him.

"I... Honestly, I really wasn't expecting this. I mean, I didn't even think our paths would ever cross again, but then it did so... like you said, it's all in the past. I've never held a grudge against you. Sure, you were annoying, a jerk, a great bully..." She quoted, but had to stop upon seeing the discomfort on his face. She knew she had to ditch the description phase.

"... but I don't hold anything against you. I think I've forgiven you. I mean everyone deserves a second chance." She concluded and a slow but sure broad smile surfaced on his face.

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