Part Seven

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I slammed my fist heavily against the door, my ear pressing against the wood as I waited for a response.

"Relax, James," Liv said quietly. "We have to be calm with someone like this."

I took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder towards the house across the street.

The outside of the house was caked with grime, almost as bad as the inside of it. Shivers rolled through my body.

Liv knocked on the door again. We were beginning to lose our patience.

"Open the door, Police," she yelled against the wood, her voice loud and harsh.

Behind us, a small team of armed officers were waiting for Emilio to open the door. Just as I was about to move to the side for them to kick it down, a man opened the door a crack and peered out at us.

"Why are you here?" the man asked, his voice deep and threaded with an accent.

"We have reason to believe you're associated with the recent kidnapping of three children," I said, and Emilio closed the door again before fully opening it.

He stood there, his gaze flickering between the both of us with mock confusion in his stare. He appeared to be older, and almost seemed incapable of committing crime. He had thick obsidian hair and his eyes were dark, round and very cold.

"There is no need for all of this," the man said, gesturing towards the armed men behind Liv and I. "I am happy to talk to you two without all of that."

"They will only be searching your house," Liv explained.

"Do you have a warrant?" Emilio asked.

"Yes, we do. You have two options: you let us in, or we force ourselves in. I advise that you choose wisely," Liv informed him, her stature strong and her tone just as intimidating.

Emilio let out a sigh and moved to the side, where Liv and I walked in, followed by the men who immediately split around the house.

The house seemed to have almost identical interior as the one we were investigating across the street - but much neater. In fact, not one item seemed out of place.

A radio sitting on the table played the upbeat sounds of spanish music as Emilio guided us to his couch.

He seemed very calm and collected as he sat on the couch across from Liv and me.

After introducing ourselves, we jumped right into the interrogation, our recording devices hidden. I was losing patience with this man just by the way his shoulders relaxed and his eyes watched us intently - he wasn't getting away with this.

"What is your relationship with the woman across the street?" I asked, pulling a notepad out of my pocket.

"Who, you mean Rose?" Emilio asked, and I jotted down the fact that there was now a name to the woman. "She is my neighbor - has been for quite some time. Very sweet woman."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Do you own any businesses? Is she an employee of yours?"

"No, I am not sure why you would ask such a silly thing. I have barely spoken to the woman," Emilio said cooly, sitting back in his chair.

I listened to the footsteps of the men searching - in the basement, in the hallways. I wanted them to find something, anything that could help us get this guy behind bars.

"And you know nothing of the recent kidnapping that occured at her house?" Liv asked, squinting her eyes and leaning closer to the man.

Emilio shrugged. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

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