Part Twenty-Two

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I opened my eyes to see sunlight shining down from the opened door to the bunker, illuminating a small portion of it. There was a shuffling noise, before suddenly, I noticed children standing in front of me.

They had blindfolds over their eyes, with their hands tied behind their backs, and they were all shaking. There were four of them - a girl, a little boy, and two taller boys. They were talking - I couldn't make much sense of what they were saying, as their voices were very low.

Steven slammed the door to the bunker shut, leaving only the light of the dim lamp to pour into the small room. He made his way down the ladder, before he walked over to the girl and pulled her blindfold off. Immediately, I noticed it was Bella.

Her eyes locked on mine - they were filled to the brim with tears as Steven suddenly shoved her into the corner of the room.

I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't talk, I couldn't say anything - I was entirely paralyzed.

Steven then pulled off the little boy's blindfold, revealing that it was Elliot. Elliot was sobbing, shaking his head and pleading for the man to let him go. My heart was breaking at the sound of his desperate screams, but he was quickly silenced when Steven shoved him towards Bella with a heavy force.

Steven pulled one of the taller boy's blindfolds off, to show that it was Cole. Cole stared at me, his light eyes emotionless. He was numb.

Why couldn't I move? I needed to move, I needed to get those children out. That was my job, why couldn't I do it?

Steven grinned as he walked towards the other taller boy, and he watched my reaction as he pulled the blindfold off of my son.

"Dad?" Benny said, his big, brown eyes filled with tears. "Dad, Dad, help me! Dad, do something! Please!"

I was trying so hard to move, but my body wasn't budging. Tears filled my eyes and pierced the edges of them. I couldn't breathe. The edges of my throat were closing together and I could hardly breathe past it.

"You're just standing there! Please, Dad! Dad, I'm sorry! Please!" Benny continued to cry, just as Steven came up behind him and held a knife against my son's throat.

"Benny!" I finally screamed, my voice hoarse as I tried to rip myself free from my handcuffs. "Don't fucking touch him! Benny! Oh, God!" I cried out. "Leave him alone! Benny!"

I woke up before Steven had the chance to drag the knife across his throat.

My heart was racing, and I was panting for air. I was beyond thankful that it was only a nightmare. My head was pulsing, sending shooting pains across the front of my skull. I desperately needed water, my throat was dry and harsh from screaming.

I looked over to find Steven and his new Rose standing there and staring at me. It seemed that they were in conversation before they stopped to watch me. I noticed that his new Rose had a needle in her hand, and she appeared spaced out.

I had been in the bunker for a long time, and they never came down into it. I wasn't sure how long I had been in there - I was constantly falling asleep to pass time.

All I knew was, it was concerning that they were in there with me at that moment. I had a strong feeling that they were going to kill me.

Steven smiled, the same smile he displayed in my dream, and I watched him with a hot anger coursing through my veins. I jerked my body forward, the flesh of my wrists straining and ripping against the metal of the handcuffs.

"Who's Benny?" he asked me, kneeling down to my eye level.

My chest dropped. "No one," I answered. My voice was incredibly gravelly.

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