Chapter 8

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"Where have you been?"

I was surprised that Harvey even acknowledged me when I walked through the front door.

He was sat on the sofa with Hunter relaxing in the armchair on the other side of the room.

I could see the marks on Hunter's face as soon as I walked in. He looked 10x worse than Leo.

"Just at the school gym. Needed to fit in a small session before my dance class tomorrow." I replied bluntly, moving over to the kitchen and shoving my dirty clothes from my gym bag into the washing machine.

"Yea, sure." Harvey scoffed and I narrowed my eyes. Switching on the machine to do a quick washing cycle, I made my way back into the front room.

Harvey, was staring at me with a 'I know something you don't' look on his face.

Hunter on the other hand was just looking into the reflection of his phone, trying to see if his nose was still bleeding.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow and placing a hand on my hip.

"I saw you in the gym with Leo. You looked pretty close if you ask me."

I actually couldn't believe that Harvey was talking to me like that.

One, what was he doing skulking around the school at that time anyway? And two, what did he see? Because I know Leo didn't want anyone to know that he danced.

"So? We train together if we're both there. Like on the run we did the other day." I spoke in a matter of fact voice, making sure I didn't give away that I was nervous "What were you doing that late at school anyway?"

Hunter's attention was now on the conversation between my brother and I.

Harvey's eyes darted between Hunter and me "No reason, just catching up on some science work."

"The science block is on the other side of the school so there's no way in hell that is true." I argued. Jheez, if my brother was going to lie, he could have at least gotten a better story.

Before Harvey went to speak again, I cut him off "Look, before you even decide to think you have a say in what I do in my life, Leo and I are friends and we have a common interest. I don't care what happened between him and Hunter. Sort it out yourselves."

I didn't give him a chance to answer me either. I made my way to my bedroom without a second thought.

The anger inside me towards my brother hadn't reached this level for years.

The last time I physically wanted to hurt my brother was when he went out to a party, got drunk and ratted me out to our parents that I had my boyfriend at the time over whilst he was out.

The thing that makes it worse is that I told my parents that Harvey was at Hunter's house and in return he wouldn't say to them that I had Brendon over.

My parents were at a friends at the time for business deal so they said it was fine. Only until Harvey decided to get completely off his face and call them at 4 in the morning to tell them that I was sneaking a boy in the house.

He still hasn't apologised to me for it. And what only makes it worse was that that was the reason that Brendon and I broke up.

In our parents eyes, I was too young to have a relationship and I should be focusing on school. So I had to cut ties with Brendon.

It made it easier that Brendon then moved schools because his parents moved away so I didn't have to deal with the heartbreak for long.

It was still a shit situation though.

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