Chapter 32

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Miss Lacey didn't hold back on training today. Of the 6 years I've been at the Bluebells I've never been so physically drained before.

I could see that Leo was also feeling tired as he was a lot more quiet while training.

And what made the whole situation even more tense was the fact that Harvey was sitting against the wall, watching our every move.

It was part of his agreement so there was no funny business. He could watch us at school and at practice and then when we were home he knew Leo wouldn't be able to see me.

I'm really living the life right now.

"Great work guys. Just make sure you keep up your practicing and you'll be ready for the competition next week." Miss Lacey congratulated and it hit me in the face.

Jesus, the competition was next week. Time has just flown by.

It literally felt like yesterday that Leo and I were called in and chosen.

Miss Lacey stopped the track from playing and began packing up her equipment.

I moved over to Harvey and to where my gym bag was, pulling out my water bottle and practically finishing it in one gulp.

He bore an impatient look and kept staring over to Leo who was across the studio, packing up his own things.

"Let's go." Harvey jumped up to his feet, grabbing his school bag and waiting for me to walk out the door first.

I wanted to give Leo one last look but I knew Harv would have kicked off.

A pang of pain hit my chest as I walked out the studio. God, I just hoped Harvey could see how well Leo and I worked together and would ease off on the protectiveness.

Like the other day, the car drive was silent on the way home which only added to my depressing mood.

When we got home, I moved on autopilot, chucking my dirty clothes in the wash, filling up Loki's food and water bowl and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

Just before I went to seclude myself in my room, Harvey grabbed my wrist, stopping me from moving any further.

"Look, I know I've been tough on you, I just want you to know that I love you and don't want you to get hurt." Harvey began to explain and I relaxed a little, maybe he'll chill out a bit more.

"I just want you to know that Hunter saw Leo with Ivy this morning before class started. They looked pretty close if you know what I mean." Harvey's eyes looked full of apology and a numbness spread through my body.

That's why she said she wasn't watching me anymore. Why he was late coming into class.

"How do you know that?" As stupid as I sound questioning him, I knew it was the truth.

"Hunter has never lied about anything. He knows how I feel about the whole situation so he wouldn't lie to me about it. I'm really sorry Eli. I just hope you nail this dance so you can actually be happy without him affecting your life."

I couldn't even muster up words. My eyes welled up with tears but I held them in while Harvey was with me.

I nodded to him, pulling my arm out of his grip and sealing myself in my room.

I didn't even make to my bed as I slid down my bedroom door, my chest becoming heavy with sobs.

I really was deluded. Why did I think that Leo wasn't every stereotype I thought he was?

A bad boy who got into fights, dealt drugs and of course, played with girls.

Holding my hands over my head, I couldn't stop the tears that continuously poured out.

God, I can't remember the last time I felt this way. Just thinking about it made my stomach turn a little, luckily I hadn't actually eaten anything today otherwise I definitely would have thrown up.

I should really eat something but just looking at the apple that I had dropped on the floor only made me feel more queazy.

The sound of scratching at the other side of my door brought me out of my crying session. I reached up and opened it a crack.

Loki squeezed his small body into the room, meowing loudly at me and rubbing his head on my leg.

Scooping him up in my arms, I nuzzled him into his, staining his ginger fur with my tears.

I guess he could sense I was feeling shitty. At least I had one man in my life that properly cared for me.

I ended up staying on the floor for probably two hours, just gently stroking Loki's fur as he slept in my arms.

Eventually, my bum started to go numb from not moving my position so I slowly pulled myself up, waking up Loki in the process so I let him go.

He jumped straight up onto my bed, curling up into a ball and falling asleep again.

I needed to distract myself from the whole situation. Right now all I could think about was Leo and it was making my whole body hurt.

Scraping my hair into a ponytail, I think changed into a vest top and booty shorts before making my way to my laptop so I could start on my homework.

As soon as I opened my browser, my emails pinged and I clicked on the new message.

It was from Leo.

Fucking great.

"Hey Eli,

I know we're not supposed to talk but I thought it would be a bit less suspicious if I emailed you rather than text. If you wanted we could practice after school in the gym like we used too. That way your brother can hang around again.

I'm working on getting him to like me again, don't worry, we don't have to hide for much longer.

Leo x"

My fingers gripped into my hair on my scalp and tugged I'm tightly. I felt like I couldn't breath.

Leo was acting like everything was still ok. There was no way Harvey was going to want to be friends with him after that. No matter how much grovelling Leo did, it wouldn't change a damn thing.

Just as I was feeling so good about myself and my life, it was slowly crumbling down...

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