Chapter 39

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I couldn't remember the last time I went to the beach. Where we lived in the South East of England, there weren't many beaches close to us, at least an hours drive.

And that's what Leo did, drove nearly an hour and a half to get to the coast.

The sunset was reflecting off the sea and making colours of orange and pink flicker on top of the water.

It was a sight that I didn't think I would see for a good few years. I wasn't fond of travelling far distances and the last time I came to the beach was about 3 years ago with Harvey and his friends and I pretty much stayed in the car for the whole time because he was constantly annoying me.

We were the only people here so Leo easily parked up, threw off his jumper and kicked off his shoes.

Me on the other hand, was thankful I had my sports bra and black shorts packed in my bag for when they were fitting the dress on me.

Hiding in the back of Leo's car, I quickly stripped off my clothes and into the shorts and sports bra so if I did end up going for a dip in the ocean then I wouldn't get my main clothes wet.

As I finally emerged from the car, when I looked out ahead, I was surprised to see Leo already hip deep in the water.

His hair was wet and dripping so he had proper dunked himself in.

Leaving my phone and bag in the car, I made my way to the ocean. As soon as my feet hit the sand, I could feel the left over heat from the day warming my toes. I was hoping that the ocean wouldn't be as cold but I knew it was wishful thinking.

I was apprehensive about getting in the water as I didn't particularly like the ocean because of all the seaweed and sharp rocks but I put it to the back of my mind as I took big steps toward Leo.

I was not prepared for the shock of cold that shot through my feet and legs as I strode into the ocean. The noise that left my mouth was something I had never made before and even Leo turned around and laughed at me.

"Can't pussy out now." He laughed again, splashing some water in my direction but luckily I was too far away for it to make contact.

"Shut up." I groaned, the shiver I was suppressing pushing itself up my body. It's when I was submerged to hip-height that I had to hold my breath. Jesus that feeling was a shock to the system...

The feeling of the wet sand under my feet was majorly cringing me out and I couldn't help but show that discomfort on my face.

Leo began wading over to me and as I went to question him, the water stirred rapidly and suddenly Leo grabbed my body and lifted it up, his arms pulling my legs up from the ground, placing me on his side and enclosing them around his hips.

The movement was easy for him since he was strong and the water made me even lighter to pick up, so with him simply holding me with one arm, he began making his way further into the water.

When the water reached up to my rib cage, Leo stopped walking and turned to face me.

The way the sunset hit his tanned skin was like a painting from the heavens. I couldn't even put into words how beautiful he was, not just how he looked but as the person he was.

Despite his hair being wet, the dirty blond tones reflected like gold in the sun. And those eyes, I could get so lost in the brown pools, mixes of hazel and copper swirled around and practically hypnotised me.

"You done staring yet?" Leo had a smirk on his face as I rolled my eyes at him.

Under the water, I could feel Leo's fingers slowly rubbing small circles on my thighs which made my legs clench slightly around his body.

Leo pulled me closer slightly, placing a kiss on my temple and snuggling himself into me. The movement sent tingles through my body and my heart couldn't help but melt at the gesture.

"How are you feeling?" My voice was delicate towards him, knowing he was probably still sensitive.

A deep sigh come out of him, his head burying his head into the crook of my neck.

"I just... Don't want them to have a hold on my life anymore." Leo pulled away, moving my body so I was in front of him now, his hand went to the side of my head, tucking some strands of my hair behind my ear "I never wanted my life to end up how it is now but... I'm glad that some things did happen."

"I get you. I just want to make sure you're happy, and that you can do anything you want to do in the future." I replied, my arms moving so they were on Leo's shoulders, my fingers playing the hair that tickled his neck.

"As soon as school is over, and exams are done, me and you are going away. Whenever the dancing takes us, we'll go."

I couldn't help the smile that pulled onto my lips.

It was crazy to think that not long ago Leo was just my brothers new friend, and now I would drop everything to make sure he was ok.

And now I know he would do the same.

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