Chapter 47

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The sound of an alarm buzzing in my ear disturbed my pleasant sleep. Rubbing my face into my pillow, I discovered that it was actually Leo's chest instead and he was still sleeping soundly beside me.

We'd set an alarm an hour early so I had enough time to quickly pop home, grab my stuff and a change of clothes before we went to school.

Reaching over to Leo's bedside unit, I quickly tapped the snooze button and snuggled back into his side.

"I saw that." His voice was thick with sleep so the alarm must have only just woken him up too. His eyes were still closed but it didn't take a genius to figure out what I had done.

"No you didn't." I mumbled in reply, my thumb gently rubbing Leo's bare side under the covers.

His sudden reaction however, was to grip onto my body and pull me on top of him so I was lying on his chest.

I paused for a second, exhaling sharply "Really?"

Leo still hadn't opened his eyes and he merely shrugged his shoulders at me, his arms enclosing me so I couldn't escape anytime soon.

"I was about to get up I swear." I couldn't help but whine slightly since I couldn't move an inch with me in his grip. I mean, I wasn't really going to complain being in this position, the more time I could get with Leo the better.

"Yea yea sure." Came his sleep filled reply as he finally opened his eyes, those bright brown eyes captivating me immediately.

I could honestly say that I could just lie right here forever and just stare into his eyes, they were my new favourite colour.

Unfortunately for us, I had to get home to sneak in and get a change of clothes and my things.

"Come on." I went to pry myself away but instead Leo rolled us over, his bigger body covering over mine so I was more stuck than before.

"In a minute." Leo smiled, reaching forward to kiss me. The familiar warm feeling spread through me from his touch and slowly melted more and more as he continued to kiss me.

The minute he talked about didn't last as long as I wanted it too as he slowly pulled away from, staring into my eyes.

"Hmm, I could get to waking up like this." He said with a smirk, placing one last quick kiss on my lips and pulling himself off of me.

Raising as eyebrow at him, I watched him as he made his way over to his chest of drawers, rummaging through the top drawer and pulling out a hoodie.

Instead of putting it on himself like I was expecting him too, the piece of fabric was tossed over in my direction towards the bed. It landed in a heap on my lap.

"Might as well wear that, save you getting changed so all you need to grab is your books." He commented and it did make me laugh inside. So he was just gonna dress me in his clothes now?

I mean, I wasn't going to say no, I loved wearing Leo's hoodies since they were so baggy and comfy on me. I didn't hesitate to pull the black hoodie over my head and let it swallow up my whole body.

Leo grabbed his own set of clothes and disappeared into his bathroom to get changed.

Pulling my phone off the bedside table, I thought clicked into my brain and I text Harvey, asking him to grab my textbooks that were still scattered on my bed and bring them in with him to school.

It meant that Leo and I could at least stop for breakfast or have a little bit more chill time before heading in.

When Leo finally reappeared from the bathroom, he had changed into some black skinny jeans and was in the process of pulling an acid wash grey t-shirt over his head.

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